
Why Is Gun Control Important

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Gun Control: Keeping Our People Safe Restrictions are rules or limitations that are put in place to keep order. Restrictions have kept our country safe for years. For example, the drinking age for all U.S. residents is twenty-one years old. Imagine the risk of having a younger age or not having one at all. Also, alcohol is only sold Monday through Saturday and during certain times of the day. If restrictions were not in place there would be more accidents and deaths occurring every day. Strict gun control laws are needed to reduce the number of mass shootings.
People should be aware of what gun control really is and how it affects the United States. How can America be safe if all people are not aware of these factors? The best …show more content…

They believe it is unlikely to result in meaningful reduction in violence because so many firearms are already out on the streets and criminals won’t obey new laws (Houston Business Journal 24). But why do criminals have access to guns in the first place? Where are they getting them from? If criminals will not cooperate then there should be strict consequences to make them not want to take the chance of even picking up a gun. More importantly, something should be put in place to stop them from getting a hold of guns period, such as, a background check for consumers and requiring buyers who are approved to check in their weapon. They also say that they believe there are bigger issues to be worried about such as mass media and drug prohibition. It is true that both of those issues are detrimental to society. It is also said that “The error of those who think more gun control is the answer to senseless shootings is that they have not looked deeply enough into the true causes of violent crimes (Houston Business Journal 24). Gun control may not be the only answer but it certainly helps whatever the central cause may be. It is possible for there to be more than one solution to an issue as well as multiple causes. The other issues are just as important as gun control. The solutions to mass shootings are just

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