
The Importance Of Being Earnest By Oscar Wilde

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The Importance of Being Earnest is a comedy whose playwright was Oscar Wilde and this play was first performed and years later were published in written format. Its first performance was at the St James Theatre, the 14th of February, in 1895 and was released with this subtitle: a trivial comedy for serious people. He released this play when he was in the highest point of his popularity before he fell in disgrace and was imprisoned. The first publication of the written play was in 1898.
Oscar Wilde was better known for his personality, for his wit and for being and art critic more than for his plays. Wilde started a new way of writing related to realism: the aim was to send a message to the audience, and he wanted to portrait the Victorian society, …show more content…

An essential thing to take into account is that there is a reason why Jake remains with the name of Ernest, and that reason is Gwendolen: he falls in love with her, and she wants someone that has the name of Ernest. She is in love with Jack, but she is more in love of the name, and that is one of the causes why everything in the plot gets complicated. For all of this it is justified to distinguish Gwendolen as a relevant character.
Of course, there would not be a conflict in the plot If there was no Lady Bracknell on the play. What makes this character so special is that she is an example of her social class in Victorian society: she is so controversial and cares about Victorian roles: money and income, social position and old concepts of family, women, religion, marriage
Despite these things she is a very smart woman, and she tries to prove that every time she speaks. This character makes the situation of Jack to be more complicated when he asks Gwendolen to marry him, because he has no social position and Lady Bracknell is not going to allow that Gwendolen gets married with

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