
Why Is Huckleberry Finn Be Banned

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In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, written by Mark Twain, a young boy Huck is on the adventure of his lifetime. The majority of events Huck is a part of consist of violence, and language that is considered discriminatory today. This novel is banned in many schools because some Americans believe it to be a book offending black people, or inappropriate for students to read. Twain does not write The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to discriminate against black people, but to help Americans become aware of the reality back then, to show that he is against racial discrimination, and to let go of his past struggles. “but when they told me there was a State in this country where they’d let that nigger vote, I drawed out. I says I’ll never vote agin” (Twain 24). This quote by Huck’s dad, Pap, is one example of the language that is used back then. Twain does not use this language to be offensive to African Americans, but to help relay a message of how they were treated. Back then, the word nigger was an ordinary way to describe a black man or woman. Today, It is considered disrespectful because it implies a low life or being a slave. …show more content…

Twain writes the novel because he wants Americans to know the honest truth of the life of a slave. "It carries with it the blood of our ancestors. They were called this word, nigger, while they were lynched; they were called this word while they were hung from the big magnolia tree.” Beatrice Clark says these words to the press after her Granddaughter is required to read the novel, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (‘Huck Finn’ a masterpiece or an insult). Clark feels offended because her ancestors were called that word, but Twain is actually respecting her ancestors by getting Americans to realize how bad African Americans were

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