A hero, a person who is admired because of they complete goals, they are clever thinkers and possess various noble qualities. As the text begins readers are informed that the story is a flashback of his long journey back to his home of Ithaca to King Alcinous. The main character Odyssey is working to return home after 20 years of traveling to islands, battling monsters, and facing challenges no one could think of just to realize he had to lose more than he received. In the Epic poem The Odyssey by Homer, Odysseus undergoes the hero’s journey, but, because he makes poor decisions that cause all of his shipmates death, chooses needlessly complex paths to return home, and provokes innocent creatures; therefore, he is not a hero. Odysseus was “called to the adventure” at the end of the Trojan War when he was required to lead the armies in battle. Even though he could have just lead the armies and returned home Odysseus decided to take different paths. Throughout the story, Odysseus …show more content…
Others feel as if through Odysseus is a hero because he stayed loyal and faithful to his family. These accusations are far from true despite his loyalty to his crew his actions also caused them all to die, not to mention the fact that he cheated on his wife while he was on Circe's island as well as Calypso’s island. The fact that he can cheat on his wife without guilt shows that he is extremely selfish he thinks about only himself, similar to when he decided to take an unnecessary trip to discover the unknown. Despite the fact that he is able to come up with brilliant plans at an instant he does not think about the bigger picture. Since he continuously makes these instinctive decisions, Odysseus is the direct opposite of what is a hero is thought to be. Instead of saving lives, he jeopardizes them which is the main reason why he should not be classified as a
Throughout the Odyssey, Odysseus wants to return home and there are many ways to show that he was willing to risk himself to do it and that can show he is a hero. Odysseus was lost
Odysseus has many ups and downs. He is considered an epic hero because of his many heroic actions. One of his heroic actions was saving his crew from the cyclops cave. Odysseus brought potent wine, and got the cyclops drunk. He then blinds the cyclops with a heated sharpened timber stake. He then ties his men under the sheep so the cyclops can't see them, and saves all his crew from the cave.
Joseph Campbell once said, “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” True heroes are those who do something for others rather for themselves, Odysseus doesn’t exactly show this trait in The Odyssey. In The Odyssey, Odysseus along with his men try to go back home to Ithaca but due to Odysseus nature, only he actually returns alive. In Homer’s The Odyssey, Odysseus proves he is not a hero because he is arrogant, secretive, and unfaithful; resulting for readers to believe that every action has an consequence.
As a final point, being brave, strong, and making a quick decisions was many kinds of being a hero and that’s what Odysseus had that make him a hero. Odysseus with his men going through a lot of challenges but in the end he is the only one survived and alive. With this in mind, the epic poem showed us how big the difference between the people 3,000 years ago and people in this generation. The author shows in the epic poem how whimsical the world 3,000 years ago and how powerful the gods in their maturity.
Give or Take, Odysseus Is a Hero While Odysseus is on his twenty year journey he adds many strengths as a hero. In the novel The Odyssey by Homer, the main character Odysseus faces many obstacles while at sea and learns the ways of the gods. His crazy experiences help shape is heroic skills in good and bad ways. While Odysseus grows as a hero, he declines as a father and husband. Even though he experiences many things and discovers new ideas, he is away from his family for a very long time.
The Odyssey is about the King of Ithaca (Odysseus) trying to return home after the Trojan War. Throughout the epic Odysseus must face many dangers like fighting multiple types of monsters, and even being held captive by Calypso for 7 years. The Odyssey was an ancient Greek epic. (Meaning it was an orally spoken poem that told a story) It was later written down around 8th century BCE.
Odysseus was a very powerful man before he left to fight in the Trojan War, he was the King of Ithica. Odysseus’ victory also makes him a hero because he fought very valiantly in the Trojan War and came home the victor. Even today, those who come home from fighting for a noble cause are honored greatly. Odysseus also has many connections to gods. Athena comes to Odysseus’ aid many times throughout The Odyssey. For example Athena Urges her father to tell Calypso to release Odysseus so he can return
What makes a man a hero? Is it their motives, their actions? Does a person have to be a stereotypically “good guy” to be a hero? In The Odyssey, the main character Odysseus makes many debatable choices. Some may consider him a hero, some may think of him as a man with no morals. At the end of his story, he arrives back home at Ithaca. His actions display that he is just another man, and is certainly no hero.
A hero is someone who is always truthful, especially to people who are willing to risk their life for them. Additionally, heroes do their best to be faithful to loved ones. Because he was disloyal to his crew, and unfaithful to his wife on many occasions, Odysseus is not a hero.
Odysseus: Is He Really a Hero? Philip Zimbardo, a psychologist said, “I'm saying to be a hero it means you step across the line and are willing to make a sacrifice, so heroes always are making a sacrifice.” In The Odyssey, an epic poem written around 700 B.C. by Homer, a main character named Odysseus attempts to reach hero status. Odysseus does not have the heroic qualities that Zimbardo believes make a great hero. However, Odysseus is close to reaching hero status through his strong instincts, but his selfish and disloyal behavior prevents him from becoming a true hero.
First, Odysseus is not a hero because he is a foolish leader who makes many mistakes on his journey back home to Ithaka. His first mistake is his decision to let his men raid and
“A hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people” (Maya Angelou; American author, poet, and civil rights activist). This world is filled with many epic characters, movie stars, and other people that are considered to be heroes: one of them is Odysseus. Yet, many of Odysseus’ actions brought forth the fact that he was not heroic. A hero is selfless, humble, and a good leader that has many admirable values. However, Odysseus did not have those qualities, therefore, he should not be emulated and celebrated and placed upon a pedestal that people admire and choose to follow. He did not have the characteristics a hero must have and was not an example for others. By no standards was Odysseus a hero.
A prophecy stated that Odysseus went away from home for a very long time in result if he joined the Greek army and attacked troy. Odysseus and his wife and newborn son,Telemachus. he didn't want to leave, so he pretended to be insane when the Greek army came to call for him. he yoked a donkey and an ox together and plowed the seashore. one of the Greeks placed his son, Telemachus in the path of Odysseus,who swerved to miss the baby,revealing his sanity of Odysseus and as a consequence he left Ithaca and his family to fight troy.
Odysseus’ label is not a hero, it’s a survivor. He made mistakes and had many great flaws but he never once chose to fix them. Out of hundreds of his crew, only he survived and made it back to Ithica. During his time away from home, he had many opportunities to be a hero, but he wasn’t one. Odysseus acted fast in each situation and showed few traits that showed he had the capability of being a hero but he never was one.
Odysseus was a leader in various ways. He led his men through the Trojan War and many difficult challenges that faced them. Sometimes he didn't want so many men walking in on something unexpected, so he only took a few and made the rest stay at the ship. For example, "Old shipmates, friends, the rest of you stand by; I'll make the crossing in my own ship, with my own company, and find out what the mainland natives are-for they may be wild savages, in lawless,