
Why Is Romeo And Juliet Considered A Tragedy

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The scenarios within this story are so ridiculous that they cannot be taken seriously, and therefore this story cannot be considered a tragedy. The first example is when Romeo first met Juliet at the Capulet's party, he told her, “Dear saints, let lips do what hands do,” which means if he kisses her, his “sins is purged.” Without even knowing her, he kissed her. That evening, they promised to get married the next day. So Romeo went to ask Friar to wed them and he told Friar that “[they] met, [they] wooed, and made exchange[s] of a vow.” Friar was very surprised that he got over Rosaline, the woman Romeo really loved that the beginning, so fast. Another example of a ridiculous scenario is when Juliet found out her father was going to compel

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