
Why Is There Little Tax Evasion in Singapore? Why Do Most People Pay Taxes to the State?

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In Singapore, tax evasion is extremely low and it is almost impossible to escape from

tax. Tax is a measure primarily imposed to raise revenue so that the government can meet its

responsibility to provide for the general welfare and defense of its citizen as well as pay its

debt(A.Segal). There are many types of taxes that are imposed on Singaporeans and

foreigners who are staying in Singapore. Some examples are like income tax, consumer tax

(GST ), property tax and road tax that apply to vehicles owners. Before we explore the reasons why tax evasion in Singapore is so rare in Singapore, we should question what is the role of taxes in Singapore. Why is there a need for taxes for Singapore or any country? Taxation …show more content…

This is a far cry from the undeveloped Singapore about forty-five years ago who just gain its independence and most of its citizens are still living in Kampung. Thus, we can imply that it is the wise and visionary government of Singapore that bring this little dot in the world map into the global playing field of first world countries. The success of policies and stimulus package that are implemented by its government does not only bring economic development but also bring faith to its people. Consequently, the taxpayers will view paying of taxes as a form of contribution to improve one’s life and country as the ultimate objective and so most will still continue to pay taxes.
In my opinion, I feel that the latter perspective is much more relevant in Singapore’s case. Without trust and confidence in the government, taxpayers will have no incentive to pay any taxes to the state. Riots and rebellion would have ensued against the government. However, there is no doubt the existence of punishment also play an important role in preventing taxpayers to avoid paying tax. Hence, punishment acts as a compliment to obligate taxpayers to pay.
In Singapore, tax is relatively low compared to other developed countries. With relatively lower tax, taxpayers will not feel being affected that much in terms of their drop in actual income

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