
Why Is Thomas Paine Considered A Radical Propagandist?

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Thomas Paine was “the radical propagandist and voice of the common man” during the American Revolution (Historyguide). Thomas Paine was born in England and is a quaker, as well as being an anti-federalist. Since he was a quaker, he was humanitarian. In England, he worked with his father, and then as a tax collector. He was later fired for organizing the other tax collectors to fight for higher wages. He met with Ben Franklin who payed for a trip to Philadelphia, PA, for him. There he got caught up in “The Revolutionary fever” and began fighting for their cause. As a journalist, he established a reputation as a revolutionary propagandist by writing pamphlets such as “Common Sense” and other articles attacking monarchical government (History). He was known for writing “Common Sense” and “The American Crisis”.
Thomas Paine was born in Thetford, England on January 29, …show more content…

Due to his humanitarian beliefs, he was fired after organizing other tax collectors to fight for higher wages. In the colonies, he became a journalist, working for a Pennsylvania magazine. In 1776, he published “Common Sense”, a pamphlet focusing on American independence from Great Britain, establishing his reputation as a revolutionary propagandist. He traveled with the Continental Army, but was not skilled enough to be a soldier, so instead he used his pen and journalism and wrote pamphlets to inspire the army and raise their spirits. From December 1776 to April 1783, he wrote the “Crisis” papers, also known as “The American Crisis”, encouraging the revolutionaries (infobase). In the papers, Paine spoke out against the loyalists and inspired the colonists to continue to fight (connecticutsar). Paine attacked the monarchical government for taking away the people’s humanitarian rights. After the war, he wrote “The Age of Reason” and “The Rights of Man”, which inspired the freedom of religion

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