
Why Is Thomas Paine Important

Decent Essays

Thomas Paine once said, “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.” Thomas Paine, the author of not just “Common Sense” but also “The American Crisis”, was one of the greatest journalists of the Revolutionary times.
So to start, Thomas Paine was born January 29th, 1737 in Thetford, England. Even as a little boy his father had high expectations, so when Paine failed out of school at age 12 his father was very disappointed. At age 19, he set out to sea, but eventually failed at that too. Paine became a tax officer by 1768, but he was fired twice. After many career failures he met Benjamin Franklin, who encouraged him to work in Philadelphia as a journalist. He didn’t know it yet, but that was beginning to his great, influential journalism career. …show more content…

According to, “Common Sense fanned the Revolution’s flame” and “Paine’s publication fired up American colonists ahead of the Declaration of Independence.” Referring to the quote I said earlier, the government being a necessary evil is one of the main themes throughout Common Sense. Other themes include the harsh monarchy and the unavoidable concept of Independence for the Americans. In addition to that Common Sense influenced people of the 13 colonies to fight for their independence. Not only did the pamphlet explain all of those things, it explained them in an easy, understandable

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