In my opinion based on the whole Trump travel ban, I think that it is wrong to ban a certain religion. I mean as of now, they changed the travel ban about so many times and now it is only letting people in United States if they have close family members, but i feel like it will not work. There are many people coming here to the United States and have the dream to live here and have a better life for their family but the government's just barring them from entering here. And now they're trying to eliminate legal immigration for new people trying to enter here and it could create more chaos which 2 senators are trying to create. How would you know a person's religion when they check at the airport? That is just wrong towards that type of people
Much like many white people in the South believed black protestors had no right to infiltrate their cities in the 1960s, a large number of Americans are against the idea of letting refugees or anyone that follows a strongly stereotyped religion into their country. However, like King says, “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” (78). Over the course of history, the United States have established themselves as a major power with the intentions of helping others. Whether the tactics for this have actually been successful in the past is a different discussion, but if the motives are pure, then this country has a moral and ethical obligation to help those in need. In this case, that would mean allowing these refugees into the country and not continuing to stigmatize an entire group of people any further. This country turned away refugees during World War II, and a portion of them were killed in the Holocaust. The exact same thing could potentially happen if these refugees and muslims are banned from traveling into the United States.
Not only does this go against everything America and the Constitution stand for, buyt it literally cannot be done. There is no way to tell somebody's religion other than just trusting that they are telling the truth. So, if he wants to ban Muslims from entering the country what will he do with the people already here? Do they get kicked out?
In The New York Times’ article called “Trump’s Immigration Ban Is Illegal” published on January 27th, 2017, David J. Bier expresses his personal opinion about the execute order signed by Trump that supports to bar all permanent immigration from seven majority-Muslim countries. According to Bier, the order is illegal, since Congress outlawed all discrimination against immigrants and American citizens based on nationality, race, sex, place of birth, or place of residence by means of The Immigration and National Act of 1965. However, Bier explains that the 1965 law does not ban discrimination based on religion, which was Mr. Trump’s original proposal. The author uses examples to prove that presidents have used their powers many times to forbid
It’s summertime, and what do we do during summer? Well some us work jobs and others live it up by the pool. If you’re like me the only traveling you're doing this summer is in your dreams and the only surfing you're doing is surfing the web. Summer means many different things and for many it means attending a family reunion. Now family reunions are the best because you can eat tons of food supplied by your grandmama and aunties, kick it with your cousins, and occasionally see grow folks act up. However, some may be forced to put their plans on hold as Donald Trump's new travel ban will go into effect soon.
In my opinion, the actions our nation is taking upon limiting the amount of Muslims and Syrian refugees entering into the United States is, in fact, a modern witch hunt. The definition of a witch hunt, according to, is known as “a campaign directed against a person or group holding unorthodox or unpopular views”. Another definition is “an intensive effort to discover and expose disloyalty, subversion, dishonesty, or the like, usually based on slight, doubtful, or irrelevant evidence” according to Upon knowing these definitions of the term “witch hunt”, I do believe that the events happening with America’s recent travel ban, the issues involving allowing refugees and Muslims into the country, and many other controversial issues are acts of modern-day witch hunts. These events are directed against a group of people holding unpopular beliefs for wrong-led reasoning and, in my opinion, little to no reasonable evidence. The definition of a witch hunt actually surprised me and made me realize that many current issues facing our nation’s society could technically be recognized as modern day witch hunts.
“Why do I say this?” one may ask. Well, the issues of national security and terrorism have been very critical problems in our nation in the past years, and much of this terrorism can be attributed to ISIS, a radical Islamist terrorist group. Unfortunately, a bigoted, hypocritical, egregious republican nominee named Donald Trump decided to propose a ban on all Muslims that enter our country. Even more distressing, however, is the fact that Donald Trump has nearly 50% of the nation’s support in his racist ideals and has inspired heated racism against the Muslim people in our own country, a country that is supposed to uphold morally-sound constitutional rights of freedom for every religion.
The travel ban restricts the travel of people from eight different nations which included six that are largely Muslim nations. There are different restrictions for each nation, however most include the restriction of immigration to America permanently; some of the nations are not even allowed to visit the country. While it is understood that precautions are being taken to protect our country, we cannot accuse a person of partaking in harmful events and beliefs just because of their
The Travel Ban marks a major turning point in the policies on immigration in the United States. Due to increased terrorist attacks and illegal immigrant numbers rising, it is believed that temporarily banning immigrants from particular countries is key to ensuring safety within the United States. Though many have expressed their concern towards the ban because of its similarity to previous discriminatory and unconstitutional acts. The ban has even been referred to as the “Muslim Ban”.
I believe that banning Muslims from the United States is a bad idea and horrible one as well. Muslims shouldn't be kicked out just because Donald Trump believes it will help the country. Muslims should be able to come to the United States with people thinking they are bad and just want to blow stuff up. There are good and bad Muslims like every other type of group out there. The Muslims are being singled out from their religion and this is unconstitutional because it breaks the First Amendment of the Constitution that gurantees freedom of religion (Reuters, 2015). This will also make the situation in todays world worse since they are trying to radify Islam (Reuters, 2015). Donald Trumps thinks he is doing the right thing, but he is not. America
In America, there is a major topic being debated; Donald Trump’s immigration bans. The Justice Department and “attorneys general” are in a heated debate about whether these bans are constitutional or not. The Justice Department’s position is that as President, he has both constitutional and legal authority to pull off these actions. According to the act President Harry S. Truman passed in the second article, “... the president [has] the power to suspend or impose restrictions on the entry of foreign nationals if he determines their entry ‘would be detrimental to the interests of the United States.’” ( By passing this act, the President has the power to issue orders as long as it is for the better of the people.
But with the current scenario, people are being separated from their loved ones because they are born in a specific country! Banning young children and aging grandmothers from the six countries obviously isn’t the right move. Everyone knows that America always had strained relations with Muslim bearing countries and the ban deteriorates it even further. Notably, 97 tech companies suggest that this ban is bad for business (Reilly) Jared A Goldstein states that every president has deemed that anyone of any race, religion can become an American citizen as long as he/she upholds the Constitution (Goldstein) Based on the opposition received by the ban since day one, it is imperative that the people oppose it as much as they can.
One should not be judged because of what religion they are,they should be just as much trusted with other people no matter what religion.”They will not be treated differently by their government is essential to who we are”.(Page 473)( President Obama).One person should not be treated differently just because of one person having a different religion.”People from around the world were coming to America to practice their own religion or faith”(Page 473)(John Winthrop).The fact that someone has to go to a different country to learn more about someone’s own religion should not be that way. If someone has their own religion they should be able to learn about it. They should not have to travel just because their country has only “one religion”.
Banning immigrants based on their religion is unconstitutional. It is stated in the constitution’s first amendment.”Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Trump claims he wants to “make America great again”, but how if the first thing he wants to do is break the first
On Facebook, I sought out opinions on this social justice issue by searching through public postings for the hashtags #travelban, #muslimban, #nobannowall, #refugees, #Americafirst, and #buildthewall. The vast majority of views presented by those using these hashtags were against the ban. One common theme held by those against the ban is that it was discriminatory. By adding Venezuela and North Korea to the list, the social media opinion is that Trump is trying to distract from it being a racist ban targeting Muslims. For example, Aram Shahinfard (2017) states in his Facebook update, “So he added a few more countries to make it a not-muslim ban? It is still not acceptable!” His Facebook friend,
Be it resolved that the United States fully repeals the travel ban due to the discriminatory effects it has on some people. The travel ban is a terrible executive order that was put into place by President Trump on january 27th of 2017. The travel ban was put into place to protect the United States by not allowing any citizen from seven muslim countries to enter. These seven countries are; Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. These countries were targeted due to supposed risks of these countries harboring extremists groups such as Isis or Al-qaeda. According to the article “Trump's executive order: Who does travel ban affect?,” by BBC News, “ The travel ban suspensions the US refugee program for 120 days, places and indefinite ban on Syrian refugees and suspends all visas of incoming immigrants of the seven banned countries” (BBC News). The seven countries are heavily muslim, however most of the people in these countries are no threat to the United States in any way. Why is the United States completely discriminating the islamic religion when we are founded on the basis of religious freedom. Not everyone who is muslim is a terrorists so why are we punishing a lot of good people for the actions of very few. Most of the terrorist attacks that have happened since 9/11 have been carried out by a U.S citizen, so are we going to start deporting all muslim U.S citizens? The islamic religion is not the problem it's the radicalistic idea that some people