Voting is very important to us American citizens for many reasons. One reason why voting it significant is because it is our duty as Americans. Allowing us to vote is giving the citizens a voice for laws and bills to become illegal. Also, voting lets us be a part in making important decisions within your community and our country. It is an honor for us to vote because voting can be life changing. Voting comes with many responsibilities, and knowing your issues and representatives. When it comes to small communities voting is imperative for people to get many different changes in their small towns. Voting is also a privilege and can be taken away from citizens. It is our right to vote as well as expressing our freedoms. If you do not vote you
Voting is important for democracies, it allows citizens to express their consent or disapproval by voting in elections. Americans should be required to vote because it’s simple, it shows that citizens have freedom, and are mature. Being mature is a big deal, when a citizen turns 18, they’re on their own. In 2004, about 72 percent of people ages 60 and over voted, and only 49 percent of people ages 18-29 voted (Doc B). The older people have been alive longer so they know how significant it is to vote, but the younger people on the other hand, don’t know how important it is to put in your opinion.
Americans are fortunate enough to have the right to vote, so we should take opportunity to be heard. “...many Americans do not vote” (Doc BE). Some Americans do not take the chance to vote. For example, “Since World War II, no presidential election has ever involved 65% or more of registered voters!” (Doc BE). Voting is important because, “People express their consent or disapproval in many different ways” (Doc BE).
Why is it important to express your thoughts by voting? That is a question that most adolescent and even adult Americans ask. There are many reasons to vote for one the most important roles and even the small things like who is going to be your mayor. Most Americans probably forgot what the learned back in the 7th and 8th grades in American history. So, let me give a refresher, many American men and women of all races and ethnicities fought for your right to vote. Some, even died in the process. One the most well known fighters for women’s right to vote was Susan B. Anthony (1820-1906). She thought, like any other woman, that everyone is created equal and the she and all other women should be able to vote. In conclusion to that, many fought
Voting is crucial to the validity of the U.S. Constitution as well: the first amendment in the Bill of Rights calls for freedom of expression. Being able to vote allows citizens to express their political opinions by voting for a policy or candidate that has their best
Presidents, Senates, Chairmen, Congress, and Mayors all have three things in common. One, they hold extreme amounts of power; independently and as a whole government. Second, they citizens must elect them. Finally, they are put in office to serve and make decisions that represent us as a whole in a positive manner. It is very important to know the candidates and what they stand for because once elected their ideologies become ours. The history behind voting is interesting and imperative knowledge for all citizens of the United States of America. From living under the reign of Kings, to becoming free and able, we have fought many battles that were well worth the fight.
One reason I feel it is important to vote would be because our country is known for being a democracy. Democracy means that the people of the said country chooses or votes for who is elected for anything and who they think would best represent them when the time came. The people of the United States have the decision of who is elected and what happens in our country. The United States is not a country founded upon monarchy, that is a reason why we vote. We can make our opinions known for who or what we want to see come out of this country by voting. If we did not have the privilege to vote or the privilege to have an opinion then we would not be a free country. When people do not vote, they most times regret it because they would have liked
Why is voting important, I wonder let me go ask my mom. Mom why is it Important to vote? Well sweetheart Voting is very important. You get to choose, the president, Governor,Senator,and even the Mayor. That is very important sometimes there but that can make America your country or your town a different place For the better or worse. And every vote little and that's why I think it is very important to vote.
The reason it's important to vote is because it shows the president integrity, and we need a leader for our country because there would be total chaos and people would be getting hurt. There would be no one to stop the stuff that would be going on, and no one could declare and control people from buying guns if they are a felon. A president needs to take care of the money system and all of the police, and medical system and how it works. If you are a adult and you vote you are a good role model. So when your kids get older and they can vote, and they will know how.
In my opinion, each citizen has a civic and moral duty to vote. It is also a requirement, a responsibility, an obligation. It’s part of a bigger picture. I may speak passionately about voting rights, that’s only because as a naturalized citizen, I believe that I have been given this privilege. For me, it is certainly an honor to be able to exercise my free will to vote in this country. Conversely, being able to vote reminds me of how privileged I am in comparison to other countries, whose citizens have no freedom and/or a choice. This country certainly has come a long way, paving the way for all its citizens to be able to vote, when not so long ago, that few of America’s inhabitants could not participate in elections: among the excluded were
Voting is very essential and one of the easiest methods to influence public policy. You just need to be registered, and go to a polling station. It is simple because the government encourages people to vote, to hear a broad range of opinions. It is a form of direct democracy because when you vote, it directly affects the side or issue you support. Your vote is one more supporting opinion for a candidate or issue that is counted. Some people may think that their vote won’t make a big difference, but if you look at it from another perspective it can impact smaller and local issues. Although voting is imperative because you are given this privilege at the age of 18, it is not the end of one’s ability to influence government, but rather the beginning.
Voting has been a core part of our government since the very beginning, however, many citizens chose not to take part in this essential participation. To prevent any one person from gaining too much power voting was put in place as well as checks and balances in the system by the founding fathers. While not everything is decided by voting because our government is a Constitutional Republic, voting is by far the most important way a citizen can participate in the government. Therefore, it’s baffling that people chose not to vote. As Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves and the only way they could do this is by not voting.” While we can all agree that voting is important there is a debate on whether it should be mandatory. Voting should be an optional but important way to participate in the government.
Voting is a central right to each American citizen. Your vote is your chance to be listened, to hold chosen elected officials responsible for their actions and to have a say in vital issues that influences your community. You can 't have an effectively run democratic government without the backing and votes of the citizens. Voting gives the capacity for individuals to express their opinions about the administration. Each vote consoles our majority rule government and makes it stronger; we can 't allow it to weaken and crumble. A large number of Americans battled for our rights, they shed their blood to give us what we have today. Whether you vote or not, somebody will be chosen president. What 's more, that individual will be your leader, settling on choices that influence you and this nation for a long time to come.
Voting is important it gives people the opportunity to voice their opinion and vote for what
Young adults in current times have grown up with many rights that have not always been considered a right but instead a privilege. Voting is one of these rights that was once only considered a privilege, eligible for a particular gender and ethnicity. For many years this meant that the only group of people allowed to vote were white males. Today, things are different and everyone has the choice to vote after they reach the age of eighteen. The right to vote is a powerful right that we must take advantage of because not every country is lucky enough to have a say in their government. Today, in America we have the opportunity to decide if we would like to vote or not. Many Americans take pride in this right as it is considered a civic duty that has not always been eligible to everyone.
Voting is the chance to contribute to the political process, and the framework was made to work best when everybody partakes. Along these lines, utilizing your entitlement to vote is not only an expansion to the voter turnout insights distributed by each significant media site (which reliably demonstrate seniors as having the most astounding voter turnout - time for the young to lift it up). Your vote really matters and the country needs and needs to hear your feeling. We live in a vote based system (a term utilized delicately as a part of our general public). A democracy is a system of government in which the entirety of the population participates. So, participate all the time.