Explain some cases in which you would perm-ban/temp-ban people: ∆ Hacking - ( When using a illegal modification on Minecraft, that will get you banned for 2days until the video was proven bannable or not) ∆ Advertising - (When a player posts any type of IP that does not include OpCraft, and that will get that player a ban until they buy an unban) ∆ Indirect Advertising - ( It is when a player says "come join my server xxxx, They will first get warned by a mod + then could possibly become a permanent mute) ∆ Chat flooding - ( It is when a player posts something in chat mutiple times without giving it time before, the first consequence is a warn, after that would become a temporary mute) ∆ Spamming - ( When posting the same or something close to the same in chat about 3 …show more content…
∆ Staff Disrespect - ( It is when someone says harmful or disrespectful words at any staff member and it will give you a warning, second offence gives u a 15 min mute, then it will increase to a other 15 minutes until an hour, and if it happens again will become a 2 week temporary ban) ∆ Purchase Trolling - ( It's when a player purchases someone a rank that's lower then what they already have, and they will check the IP that bought and and ban them from the server store) ∆ Leaking Personal Information - ( It's when you post someone's IP, Irl information including Address, Irl name, phone number, etc and the correct action if they have proof will be a 2 week ban, second offence will be a month ban and 3rd will become a blacklist from the server) ∆ Staff Impersonation - ( It's when a player has a nick of a staff members name or other ways to impersonate as a staff member, first offense is a 15 min mute, second is 30min mute, then 3rd will give you a permanent ban) ∆ Excessive Racism - ( Excessive shaming religion, race, age, etc and the result in 15 min temp mute, and if it keeps happening it will increase 15 mins every time then until 1 hour, after that you will be banned from the
Suspicious Links / IP-Loggers: If you post any link in-game that is not related to OPCraft, you will be permanently muted for Suspicious Links or IP-Loggers Only Moderator+ can do dis because we dont to False mute People
Also in other server i i checked out people don't ban\mute there friend if there braking a rule, so I'm not doe's people even if there my friend i'll still ban\mute then for the better of the server. Also i'm not gonna give a none staff member Opped, and if they keep spamming me then it will be a
Advertising is when a player on the server says something in the chat like "GO JOIN MY SERVER @ (Their server)". What a helper would do is take a screenshot of the player's name, mute the player, then send the screenshot to a staff that could ban the player. My view on advertisers is that I look at them like they are a big wanna be. People who advertise usually advertise their own servers trying to get the OPCraft community to join their shitty server. I think that if you want people to join a server you should buy an advertisement on the Minecraft Servers webpage so people will join their server. It will
Spamming chat is when someone is rapidly and repeatedly typing the same thing a bunch of times and posting it in chat. When they get to the point where they are displaying the same exact message or a message quite like their last 3 or more times in 10-15 seconds, then it is considered spamming chat. In this situation, a Helper has all the commands to punish the player fully. When I first see that they meet the standards of 3 times per 15 seconds, then I would run the command: “/warn (IGN) Chat Spam”. After the player receives their warn, if the blatantly ignore it, and they continue to send similar messages 3 times per 15 seconds, then I will temporarily mute the player for 5 to 15 minutes, depending on what they are spamming and how fast they are spamming by running the command: “/mute (IGN) 5m(-15m) Chat Spam”.
Mute evasion; this is when you are contacting players/staff member's in a different way such as auction/ah if you are caught doing this then you will get a 15m temp ban (/temp ban name (Mute evasion) )
spamming racist words, or better known as "racially obnoxious" results into a warn, if repeated a 15 minute mute, then a 30 minute mute if repeated once again.
The third reason is that I wish to keep the server's chat clean. Warn players when they get out of hand, and to temp mute when absolutely necessary. I hope to mute Advertisers and to keep every OPCraft player safe. I will not hesitate to warn/temp-mute players when necessary, but I will try to calm things down and talk sense into misbehaving players when needed. I've seen players spam chat with the same message over and over again. This is very irritating for the server's players, and this also included chat flooding.
Any and all persons guilty of disruptive behavior (I.e excessive yelling, fighting, etc.) during a meeting will be warned. If they continue such behavior they will be asked to leave the room.
Threatening or abusive language directed at patients, visitors, vendors, staff, other members of the healthcare team, or other persons such as belittling, berating, and/or threatening another individual. Profanity or similarly offensive language. Degrading, insulting, or demeaning comments. Unwarranted lateness or absenteeism, meager output.
If a user is disrespecting me as a staff member I will warn them for Staff Disrespect, similarly to spamming I would then mute them for 5 minutes, If they continue to go the mute length will increase by 5 minutes each time, When it gets worse I will bring it to a higher staff member.
Sending an aggravating, expansive, insignificant piece of content along these lines was called spamming. This was utilized as a strategy by insiders of a gathering that needed to drive newcomers out of the room so the typical discussion could proceed. It was likewise used to keep individuals from equal gatherings from visiting—for instance,Star Wars fans frequently attacked Star Trek talk rooms, filling the space with pieces of content until the point that the Star Trek fans left.[9] This demonstration, already called flooding or destroying, later wound up known as spamming.[10] The term was soon connected to a lot of content communicate by numerous
Disruption behavior- It was brought to my attention that you recently had inappropriate behavior towards your coworkers, and to be specific the two newest coworkers on your team. Unacceptable behavior is pointing your finger in Jessica face, and physically grabbing a field note out of Tammye hand. This is threatening behavior and will not be tolerated.
In the early days of computing, a hacker was primarily referred to as a computer guru, someone who is extremely technical with a high expertise in computer also known as “Expert Programmers”. Nevertheless, as technology is advancing at a face pace, hacking has adopted a completely different definition. The modern definition is someone who access a computer system primarily to steal or destroy information. Hacking has caused major harm in the realm of technology. Over the years, hackers have become much more lethal in their craft. They manage to break into complex information systems from entities such as banks, government agencies, and private businesses. Furthermore, they often manipulate their victims through social engineering in order to obtain financial benefits. Hackers hold different label such as: black hat hacker and white hat hacker in which all have their own motives.
Advertising: Paid non-personal communication from an identified sponsor using mass media to persuade or influence an audience (Wells, Burnett, & Moriarty, 2006).
Using a glitch or exploit within the game to provide yourself, your faction or others an advantage will result in a ban from the server.