
Why People Should Not Drive To The Office

Decent Essays

Given the price of gas going up and we're facing $4 gallon of gas, I thought this little post I made awhile ago might convince those corporate social responsibility types up in the executive offices about just how much they're contributing to global warming by forcing millions of Americans to uselessly commute. Think of how much publicity your corporation would get if you made telecommuting an official corporate policy! What I don't understand, is power. Money I can absolutely understand, but power, that is something else possibly the key to evil. I say that because I look at all the people running for office and you wonder, why would some of these people even bother? They're so loaded, you'd think the last thin they'd want is a full time job and instead …show more content…

Just imagine what would happen to the price of gas if we didn't have to commute? Boom! All these benefits are achievable, but there's just one thing blocking the way; Power. Specifically corporate power. For whatever stupid reason, why people have to drive to the office. They certainly don't need to. They have a computer at home, a fax, a scanner machine at home, and even a web cam. But NO, their boss insist to drive to the office. Of course when confronted with the option or request of telecommuting, there is no good reason they can give you, other than they want you to be under their control. They want you to be there at the office, where they can see you, because who the hell knows that if you were working from home, you'd probably be drunk, high & bringing hookers/prostitutes over on meth while you play Call of Duty all day and sell corporate secrets on E-bay. And if you think my claim that corporations do this for purely power and political reasons, consider the most obvious and egregious use and abuse of power by corporations; The

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