
Why Respect Is Important

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Respect has been valued from the beginning of time. Being respectful is what children and teens work on, and what we notice in adults. No one likes the bully in school or the crotchety old man. It is important to respect adults and children, because it projects a positive self image, it builds relationships, and it can get you farther in life. Projecting a self image is very important in today's world. When you are meeting someone for the first time you need to be respectful. People will see immediately that you are a good person, if you make a good first impression, or you are always doing what is right. Projecting a good self image is important even when nobody is around to see it. By doing that, you will always be a respectful kid. …show more content…

One thing I have heard a lot, is relationships are a two way street. You can't treat a person with disrespect and expect them to keep being nice to you. If you want to maintain a good relationship with that person you need to treat them with respect. When you treat them with respect they feel good about being friends with you and doing things together. They also feel there is a good balance in the relationship and one person is not just taking and taking while the other is giving. However when you take people for granted and don't treat them with respect, they will realize that you are not a good person and they will not welcome your friendship. Being respectful can also get you a bit farther in life. When you are respectful to elders you stand out to them as a good kid. For example, if you are in an interview and you are more respectful and polite then the other candidates, you are much more likely to get the job. When you are respectful to important people they would much rather choose you for a job than someone who is disrespectful. Whatever the case may be, if you are respectful to everyone you may get some amazing opportunities that can benefit your

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