The code of the west is things to live by, they were never actually written down, but they were something that everyone in the west seemed to live by. It was a different time that these people lived in and a lot of the “laws” that they lived by are not even considered in today’s society. One of the “laws” that I believe should people should always follow is talk less, say more. This is something that means a lot to me and the world that I live, and grew up in. This is a code that does affect you throughout your whole life and never loses meaning, no matter how young or old you are. Talk less; say more is the most important and the most meaningful “rule” in the codes of the west. This code, talk less; say more, is one that still really …show more content…
In the game of basketball this is a big one. When someone falls and you help them up it says a lot about who you are as a person, yet if they fall and you say something to them that could be very rude, you are degrading yourself with the words that you have said. Players like this are known and people know them as the players that are very unrespectable and rude. The more they say the more they are hated and the less that people say the more they mean. Respect is something that is earned and it is not earned through the things that you say, but the things that you do. If you are trying to earn someone’s respect I guarantee you that if you just talked to them all of the time they would not like for that. You have to prove it through the things that you do and the ways that you act. This was a big thing back in the west. If a new guy came to town he did not earn respect through all of the people he talked to and the stories that he told, because those were just stories. He had to earn it by what he did. This is where actions really speak louder than words. Respect is also something that everyone in life is looking for, whether they know it or not and sometimes they think they have done everything to deserve it, when really they have not done the most important thing; prove they can follow up and what they say. You have to be able to back up all of the words that come out of your mouth with actions because there is just talking about doing something and then there is
Respect everyone with the respect you would want, if you give the respect you expect this will them help them respect you in the same way.
What is respect? Respect can be in various forms. It can be knowledge, self awareness, trust, character, honesty, understanding, and a positive attitude. But respect also has to be earned. If you can’t respect yourself then you won’t be able to respect others. To gain respect you have to treat others the way you would want to be treated. Without respect you can’t have team work and care for other peoples well being.
Respect could be hard to come by and that is because sometimes people let their emotions get in the way of their respect towards that person or persons. This can be a problem because a person should not let their emotions prevent them from acting the way they should and showing someone the respect that person deserves. Some may have a difference of opinion and still show respect towards someone in order to be thought highly of or to avoid a problem from stirring. How a person acts and what a person does that shape them into the person they are. If you want the respect of others, you must first give it, though respect should be a thing common enough where every person receives it. You should never be surprised when someone treats you with respect, you should expect it(Sarah
I was shown a story that i think helps to define respect. It is called Give Praise It Only Comes Back To You. “I”ll bet you don’t like to go without recognition when you’ve done something good. Nobody does! Everybody likes to be appreciated.
Respect has been valued from the beginning of time. Being respectful is what children and teens work on, and what we notice in adults. No one likes the bully in school or the crotchety old man. It is important to respect adults and children, because it projects a positive self image, it builds relationships, and it can get you farther in life.
what is respect? respect is a word most people can't even say without getting choked up. it's foreign concept in their minds because the hate in their hearts cover up their ability to give, show & earn it
Respect can be defined as an action or a feeling that is shown to others, oneself or something. Some may that you can get a feeling out of any virtue, for example anger or disrespect, but respect is usually connected between two individuals; an action of showing how much love, pride and honor you have for them and having your words and actions speak for you indicating that respect is being shown. There is a chain reaction when it comes to expressing respect, you must give respect to gain respect and it can go the other way around also, where in order to receive respect you must give respect. When it comes to the virtue respect it is a give and take type of situation. As Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Russian novelist and short-story writer, once said, “ If you want to be respected by others, the great thing is to respect yourself. Only by self-respect you will compel others to respect you.” Having self-respect has a lot to do with one's self-esteem, knowing their own worth and confidence plays an important role. Having an open mind to being wrong is a gateway to self-respect, it shows acknowledgment and acceptance of the truth or existence of a fact or opinion. It shows that a person knows their rights from wrongs and having self-respect opens new doors of opportunities, this means that a person is willing to understand their mistakes and learn from them; learn from those mistakes, wrongs and anything that can be found to not being worthy of putting it out there in the world and public
Since the foundation of morality, people have always lived their life by code. A code that suggests what is both right, and wrong. This code has been passed down countless ways, from mother to son, father to daughter and brother to sister. Each differing, but still accounting for the right idea, and the wrong idea. They are the foundation of a persons position on a certain issue. Each of the world’s religions possess their own set of moral teachings. They are an important aspect of each religion because they define the different moral values upheld by them. Judaism and buddhism are two of the many religion’s which share generally similar moral teachings on a number of moral issues, including; abortion, homosexuality and life after death.
Respect is not something that is tangible. You can’t physically hold it in your hands. You can’t buy it, not the genuine thing anyway. You can’t just get it overnight either. Respect takes time to get. It can take years to get the kind of respect that you really want. Respect is a deep admiration of something or someone. Respect usually comes from the qualities, abilities, or achievements of whatever or whoever you respect. Respect is something worked up to. However, even though respect is something that is completely intangible, it is something that is extremely sought after. Everyone wants the respect of someone. It could be a parent, a friend, a teacher, a boss, or many other countless possibilities. No matter why you want it or who you want it from, it is going to take some hard work to gain something as valuable as someone’s respect. And, after you get it, it shouldn’t be something that should be played around with or taken for granted. In this day and age respect has the potential to be as valuable as gold.
A person should not only respect themselves, but also other people. Also, to show respect, people should listen to what others have to say. Demonstration of respect should not be expressed only towards people you like, but to everyone that deserves it. Respecting others is very important if you want to be respected. However, the way to earn respect is to be respectful. Make it an attitude, not a thing given to a person after they have proven themselves. To me, respect is how someone else treats me as a person. I’ve always firmly believed that respect is earned, not given. However, it means a lot of different things for different people. For example, in sports and various competitions sportsmen should treat their rivals with respect, because everybody is strong enough to win the competition. For some, they say that respect is a two way street. For others, you treat others how you want to be treated, even if you can not stand that person. Respect is a noble behavior, but today it can be met rarely, because the society is becoming more evil and
For some people it’s hard to earn someone’s respect. When you first meet someone you don’t right away earn their respect, it takes weeks or months or even years to earn someone’s
Imagine a world where there were no boundaries or respect. Chaos would break out. Respect is entailed in this world, so there is a sense of peace. Knowing when to be the bigger person and being respectful is needed in this society. The world needs respect to fix injustice because, no matter how different you are, still give respect. Respect is earned through examples of good assertiveness; tolerance leads to respect.
We use it every day. Your parents tell you about it all the time. Most don’t know exactly what it means. Respect. To have respect is to hold oneself worthy of your admiration or approval. Society cannot function without respect because it is the oil that keeps the gears turning. Respect is actively listening, obeying orders, and being mindful, whether it's to others, the environment, the law, or yourself.
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word respect is defined as, “A relation or reference to a particular thing or situation.” In my opinion, this definition of respect only lays the foundation for a concept much larger than that. To Teacher A, respect always meant being arrogant and treating children in a stereotypical manner - calling students ignorant/dumb for being young. To Teacher B,