Censorship of Highschool books It is no surprise reading is a powerful thing. For this reason, school boards have always been suspicious of what students might be learning in schools. School boards throughout the United States have and are banning books from high schools. Banned books are books or other printed works such as essays or plays which are prohibited by law or to which free access is not permitted by other means due to the content that is being presented such expletives and sexual related that can affect the lives of the younger scholars.The practice of banning books is a form of censorship. Therefore, books that are more reported due to their content should be banned from high schools.
The top reasons for censorship
Brenyo, M. (2011). [Censored]: Book banning in the US education system. Journal of Law & Education, 40(3), 541–549.
In the Student Essay’s The Myth of Book Censoring Within the American Education System by Kiley Strong and Censorship of Books for Public High Schools: When Necessary, When Not by Gaby Caceres censorship of literature in high schools is put under the microscope. Both authors taking a different route in writing style and views in order to target their intended audiences. Strong takes on the logic for which people use to censor literature to debunk their reasoning. Before taking on the role to advocate not censoring books in high schools.
Some problems do arise when incorporating controversial books into the school system. The main and biggest problem is the complaints of parents. Sometimes parents see the books their kids are reading, a preconceived negative perception, then immediately decide they do not want their kid “exposed” to such material. Parents do have every right to say and decide that. But the feelings of a few parents should not dictate the masses of students. If parents were educated beforehand about the material their children would be covering, it might alleviate some
Books are a gateway to a world of imagination, but some schools are trying to shut those gates off by banning them. Books are some of the best teachers left, it's not up to a school to decide what a child should or should not read. Banning books can deprive a child of the opportunity to think. Books should not be banned because of the lessons they can teach, the fact that a school should not even be able to ban them, and it can deprive a child of the opportunity to think.
It is understood why somebody may think that books should not be banned at schools because by doing this parents are hurting their children by restrain their knowledge. When a quality book is banned, the children lose the opportunity to learn from that book. It is better supported that, some books should be banned from schools because they can introduce students to unacceptable topics and teach them bad or useless
School boards and teachers have a responsibility for protecting the minds of their students and covering age appropriate material. However, does this responsibility cover the extreme act of banning books from school classrooms? Does not the teacher have a duty to introduce to their students world issues in order to better the students ability to cope with problems in the world? How does a school decide which books should be banned from the classroom, and should it be left up to the teacher to decide what is decided in his/her classroom. By banning books from the classroom, we prevent our students from learning about controversial topics in a safe environment, and we also encroach upon the student’s freedom of reading what they want in
School libraries should not be able to ban books because people should be able to choose what books they read and should have access to them, banning books will draw readers, and because some books can teach students about what might happen in their future. Schools should not be able to ban books because people should be able to choose what they read. In the article Ban a book, draw readers by Colete Bancroft she states “ Every parent should be able to guide their child’s reading.” Also 1 parent should not be able to decide for a whole school of parents on what their kids read.
The act of book banning could prove beneficial to the society because it could keep the students and youth of our culture away from books with a bad influence or things that would not help them in any way, shape, or form. “If a book is deemed offensive, some may argued, that it is promoting ideas which can have a detrimental influence on individuals (often children) and on society as a whole” (Aliprandini, Sprague 2016). This quote proves that those who believe that book banning is a good idea have valid reasons to believe so. Although books should not be banned, there is solid evidence that proves otherwise.
How many of you have heard of the book The Lord of the Rings? Or how about Harry Potter and the Sorcerer Stone? Did you know that at one point in time for some reason or another these books were banned? They even banned a childhood classic Where The Wild things Are (TeenVogue.com). Even here in Pasco county Books like Looking for Alaska and Perks Of Being A Wallflower were banned from all school library shelves. The fact is since nineteen eighty two eleven thousand three hundred books have been banned due to violence, negativity or political bias. In my opinion banning books is detrimental to the education process. Schools should not be allowed to ban books because this takes great works of literature away from young adults. There are many
School boards, principals, and teachers have a responsibility for protecting the minds of their students by covering grade and age appropriate material in the classroom. However, does this given responsibility cover the act of banning books from their classrooms? As an advocate for each student, does the teacher not have a duty to introduce the students to a these words issues in order to help the student cope with the different problems in the world? How does a school decide which books should be banned and how much say does the teacher have what should be left up to the teacher? Some say that banning books from the classroom, we prevent them from learning about different controversial topics in a safe and secure environment. In this paper I reflect on my research question: Why do schools ban books in the classroom?
Banning books is one of the most unnecessary occurences to be brought to light. The administrators who ban books don’t take into account how much the kids will want to read it now that it is “banned”. They will wonder why the book is so bad that the administration has banned the book. Like any other curious kid, they are going to read it to find out because they were told not to. The parenting perspective is understandable kids shouldn’t have to learn about some inappropriate topics until the child is ready, but unfortunately, if the kid doesn’t learn it from the book they will learn about it some other way.
Books are educated in the school because they are meant to teach kids literature with abominable things that happen may happen in this world. In procon.org, they give a good argument point against banning books by saying, “Many frequently challenged books help people get a better idea of the world and their place in it.” As you can see, negative things aren’t the only subjects that are taught to the students. The students can also learn to literature based on analyzing the plot, and create new ideas that they could later on use in the future. Parents shouldn’t worry too much about what their child(ren) are reading since they are given more knowledge when they learn in their English
Book Banning in Schools Books are banned in school libraries every year. They are pointed out for having inappropriate content, which some believe should not be allowed to be read by students. Unlike in the past, people are allowed to argue against the banning of books as well as fight for it. There are many arguments for the banning of books, such as: it protects family values, parents must protect children from the offensive material that can be found in them, and there are legal standards for the removal of books. On the other hand, there are some that believe that students need bold books to further grow and mature.
As a teen, students should not be exposed to the inappropriateness that are put in books at such a young age.There are several reasons that banned books should be kept out of the classrooms. A few specifically are, racial issues, inappropriate language and sexual profanity. Some people believe books should be banned in schools/libraries because it is putting inappropriate knowledge in at such a young age.
Over two hundred years ago, the Constitution was signed giving citizens of a newly designed nation civil liberties that no man could ever confiscate. The first of many Amendments to said document included the freedoms to religion, the press, and most importantly freedom of speech. And with the freedom of speech, arose so many great works of literature. Schools of the past then decided on the context of their libraries and of their lesson plans. However, no one ever concerns themselves with what happens to all of those other textbooks and classics that mysteriously disappear from shelves and are no longer taught in the classroom. Withholding knowledge from any student, who will soon be a full-fledged societal