
Why Should The Seventh Man Be Forgiven

Satisfactory Essays

In “The Seventh Man” there is an unfortunate event that occured. The seventh man watched his friend K. be swepped up by a big wave that killed him when he could have tried to save him from the terrible event. He failed to save K. and never forgot it for the rest of his life. The narrator of the story “The Seventh Man” never showed him ever forgiving himself for that day. The seventh man lived with such guilt in his life he missed out on the joy in life which K. would have wanted. The seventh man should be forgiven of his failure of saving K. because that is what K. would have wanted for him. When that incident occurred in the seventh man's life, his life was never the same again. He lived with guilt for the rest of his years. When he was older, he returned to the scene of the incident. He improved some, although he still was not the same. At the end of the story I would have hoped that the seventh man would have been forgiven and went on to have a happy life, but that never happened. It was unfortunate that this had happened and he was never forgiven. This can be compared to the term “survivor guilt,” which is used to describe the feelings of the survivors of any war or accident that wonder how they were able to make it out alive when …show more content…

His life after all of this occurring was very sad and filled with depression. In the story the seventh man says, “It took me a long time to recover from the emotional shock.” It is sad that the seventh man had to live like that. He could have tried to save K. but he didn’t and now he will never know if he could have saved him although he should not live in such sorrow. K. would have wanted him to go on with his life because in the story when the wave was being washed over K. the seventh man saw him for the last time. K. kind of smiled and looked pleased with what was happened. In the end of the story the seventh still lives in sadness but is somewhat forgiven when he returns to his

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