
Why Shouldn T Cell Phones Be Banned?

Good Essays

“If you have your eyes on a BlackBerry for four seconds trying to text, you go the length of a football field, including the end zone, without looking at the road.”(Ray LaHood). Americans everywhere put their lives and others in danger because they have to send that text or post that selfie. Over the past few decades the popularity of cell phones has skyrocketed and is not slowing down anytime soon. With an increasing number of people commuting every day this is becoming a major problem in the United States. Last year over fifteen people died per day and over 448,000 people were injured due to distracted driving. Because of the extreme dangers cell phone use poses all use of a cell phone should be banned for all people while on the road. The …show more content…

This makes sense when you first look at it because maybe you need to find out where you are going or making sure your child gets home on time, but is that text or that phone call really worth your or a loved one’s life? Another question you might be asking is what to do if you have an emergency? This would be the only exception to the cell phone ban. If there truly was an emergency then you would be allowed to use your phone. Another reason some people think that a cell phone ban is not necessary nor would be useful is that other activities that could impair your ability to drive such as putting on makeup and eating are legal as long as you say that your driving ability was not impeded. This makes sense at first glance. However, when you look at the facts there are many more activities to do on a cell phone that are much more dangerous. Additionally, you do not have to be hungry or any other specific circumstance to use a cell phone. You can use a cell phone anytime which makes it way more popular than any other activity you could do to hinder your driving

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