
Why Students Should Take Parcc Standardized Test

Decent Essays

Hannah Clemenson
Mrs. Cohen
English 2A Argumentative Speech
10 April 2017
Why students should take the Parcc standardized test
If you want to be successful and you want to do well in you high school and college class well then you should take the PARCC standardized test. Standardized testing is also known as PARCC is a great material for you to be successful. PARCC testing happens all over the country. PARCC stands for Partnership for assessment of readiness for college and careers. Students should take Parcc standardized test because 1. it compares you to other students, 2. it decides on placement for your classes and 3. it plans for the future.
Body1-To compare students is a good thing because it looks at different levels of …show more content…

According to “ Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers” , it states “It provides better information for teachers and parents to identify where a student needs help...” (HOME 1). PARCC looks at your scores and that is a way it looks at you placement it can decide on if you need additional support. According to “ Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers” , it states “Scoring is the process of evaluating each student’s responses” The way PARCC is scored (HOME 1). Therefore, the PARCC test is there to help you out. The PARCC looks at scores to determine the classes that students need to help there needs. The PARCC provides great information to teachers so they can teach the materials that all students should have to be successful while taking the PARCC. Many teachers get stressed out during PARCC testing because they want their students to have all the material they need to be successful. According to “What are the pros and cons of the PARCC test?” , it states “TEACHER ANXIETY” (White …show more content…

Students look at the PARCC as a material that does is no good and don’t think it looks at placement for your school class or placement for college. Many students opt out of the PARCC because they just don’t care or not take it serious. According to “What are the pros and cons of the PARCC test?” , it states “CONS” (White 1). Therefore, students that don’t like PARCC like to guess on every question and attend to rush. The Students that don’t care about PARCC and does not want to succeed will sometimes opt out. According to “What are the pros and cons of the PARCC test?” , it states “Opt-out” (White

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