
Why Was Germany Most Significant Influential Country During World Wars So After Losing World War II?

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Why was Germany most significant influential country during World Wars even after losing World War I and World War II?

Kinjal Shah
12TH February 2017
University of Massachusetts Lowell

Germany’s Role in both World War had been pivotal and there are several reasons to why that happened and various facts to support the idea that it had influenced whole of the Europe. Hitler was appointed chancellor by the President of Weimar republic on 30 January 1933. The Nazi Party then began to eliminate all political opposition and consolidate its power. Hindenburg died on 2 August 1934, and Hitler became dictator of Germany by merging the powers and offices of the Chancellery and Presidency. All power was centralized in …show more content…

Germany was on with France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Serbia and Russia. This fact proves how powerful Germany had been to invade all these countries in the same year. Russia on the other hand was a huge force but still Germany was powerful enough to tackle military combat over Russia. Germany had been center of war in all of the Europe. But as the World WAR I was ending Germany lost the war because of the alliance of France, Britain, Russia and Belgium. Germany was then declared guilty of war and had to pay heavy reparations. (John Mosier (2004), Myths of Great War, pp.124-127, perennial books, Harper Collins Publications)

Treaty of Versailles:

World War I officially ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. After strict enforcement for five years, the French assented to the amendment of important comestibles. Germany agreed to pay reparations under the Dawes Plan and the Young Plan, but those plans were cancelled in 1932, and Hitler’s rise to power and subsequent actions rendered moot the remaining terms of the treaty. The Allies wrote the treaty, converted between January and June 1919 in Paris, with almost no participation by the Germans. The negotiations exposed a split between the French, who wanted to dismember Germany to make it impossible for it to renew war with France, and the British and Americans, who did not want to create excuses for a new war. The treaty included fifteen parts and 440

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