
Why Was Henry Clay Important

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The Significance of Henry Clay Henry Clay. Born on April 12, 1777, had 11 children throughout his life and sorrowfully passed on June 29, 1852. However, those are only the basics. Now the significance of his existence cannot be overlooked. Throughout time, Henry Clay has consistently remained an exceptionally significant man. He was more than just an ordinary man. Henry Clay accomplished many significant achievements. Such as, being “The Great Compromiser”, giving half a century of service, and introducing the Amicus Brief. Henry Clay, also known as “The Great Compromiser”, had “skills of negotiation and compromise proved invaluable in helping to hold the country together for the first half of the 19th century” (Henry Clay’s 10 Most Significant Accomplishments), however, “his compromise quelled regionalism and balanced states’ rights and national interests” (Henry Clay’s 10 Most Significant Accomplishments). Henry Clay, using his negotiation skills, he helped to postpone the civil war until it could no longer be avoided. He is still talked about today in 2016 among the community. Henry Clay “gave his country nearly half a century of service” (Henry Clay’s 10 Most Significant Accomplishments). He was a representative, a senator, and he served as a Secretary of State. Henry Clay worked many different kinds …show more content…

This was consequently how he “argued many times before the US Supreme Court. In so doing, he introduced the concept of the Amicus Brief to Supreme Court jurisprudence” (Henry Clay’s 10 Most Significant Accomplishments). The Amicus Brief is the concept “A person with strong interest in, or views on the subject matter of an action, but not a party to the action, may petition the court for permission to file a brief, ostensibly on behalf of a party, but actually to suggest a rationale consistent with its own views” (The Free Dictionary), and it is still being cited in cases

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