
Why Was Jesse Owens A Black Man Was The Dictator Of Germany?

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It was September 12, 1913 and James Cleveland Owens was born. He was born in oakville alabama at a very different time in history. It was one year before the first world war. He was living in a time in which you were split by color whereas now we are all together. Even though the united states would make the smart move and eventually bring us all together he was far from that sadly. He grew up and soon went to Ohio State University (OSU).
It was 1936 and Hitler was the ruler of Germany, his beliefs were very opinionated. He thought Arians were the born rulers and leaders of the world and everyone else was 2nd. Jesse Owens a black man was going to the Olympics in Berlin, Germany. In the 1936 Olympics Jesse Owens took a stand against …show more content…

Hitler’s terrorizing reign and killing of almost 1/3 of the world’s Jewish population was over he soon committed suicide in April of 1945.
The olympics have been around for ages and almost a thousand years in ancient times. According to many people the olympic of ancient times can be traced back to 776 b.c and goes all the way to 393 A.D. The records state that the games were played in the island of pelops. The Games were dominated by the cult followers of zeus. Religion and the games were also stated to be very close in relation.

The Olympics has been a modern tradition since 1896 and has been played every single year since. 1936 was a very special year for this tradition. It was being played in Berlin under the new dictatorship known as Nazi Germany. It was controlled by a leader known as Hitler who which was a very power hungry evil man looking for more and more power as time went on. One of the runners, Jesse Owens a black man from the United States. Jesse Owens performance in this was known as a counter to Adolf Hitler. His Nazi propaganda made the people believe that the Aryan people were superior people and anyone else was inferior including those of African descent. Jessie Owens once said, “One chance is all you need”"23 Best Jesse Owens Quotes |," NLCATPorg, , accessed December 01,

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