On a dark night Macbeth paced back and forth with the thought of murder going through his mind. It was this night Macbeth and his wife planned on murdering the King, Duncan. After committing the crime he confesses to his wife that it is done, “I have done the deed” (2.2. 14). Macbeth would be charged with first degree murder because of the following reasons. The murder of duncan was premeditated, he showed guilt, and continued to murder. Although he may be llusional now he was not at that state before he committed the murder, once he took action the mental torture began.
To start off, it all started with Macbeth executing the Thane of Cawdor for being a traitor. This showed that Macbeth was loyal and ambitious, which are traits that a good soldier shows, so duncan thought Macbeth should be promoted, “No more that Thane of Cawdor shall deceive Our bosom interest. Go, pronounce his
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“Methought I heard a voice cry “Sleep no more! Macbeth does murder sleep”—the innocent sleep” ( 2.2. 33-34). Macbeth say innocent sleep and said he heard a voice that told him “sleep no more”, referring that he is no longer innocent (2.2. 33-34). Although his lawyer may mention that he is guilty by reason of insanity, it would not work. The insanity charge in Arizona states “A person may be found guilty except insane if at the time of the commission of the criminal act the person was afflicted with a mental disease or defect of such severity that the person did not know the criminal act was wrong.”, but Macbeth showed hesitation before going through with the murder. With that he showed that he knew the murder was wrong(Ars-13-502). So charging him with first degree murder is more compatible with this case. After the murder was done with Macbeth started hallucinating to the point where he would lash out “Ay, and a bold one, that dare look on that, Which might appall the devil.” (3.4.
The second murder that Macbeth has committed was also an essential component in the murder of Duncan. It consisted of Macbeth killing the 2 guards while approaching Duncan because one of them yelled “murder!” in his sleep which woke both of them up so Macbeth decides to kill them to cover his tracks. This action backfires on him because if he didn't kill the guards, he could've gotten away with it and many of the people in his kingdom including Macduff would've still had respect for him and not have suspicions about him which could've potentially changed the whole course of the story. The irony in this murder is that after he killed the guards, he lied about killing them by telling Macduff and Lennox that when he went to Duncan's room and found him dead, he became enraged by the sight of the guards, covered in blood and holding the daggers, and killed them to avenge Duncan's death but Macduff didn't buy his story, exhibits further signs
Lady Macbeth was more responsible for the death of King Duncan then Macbeth.Throughout the story Macbeth is sort of on an emotional rollercoaster bouncing between I should kill him, but he’s such a nice guy, and then back to I should kill him. Throughout the play Macbeth seems to be more playing the role of a child and Lady Macbeth the mother having control over everything Macbeth does through manipulation and demeaning him. During WWII the sedition act was passed so that someone
Macbeth should be charged with murder because he actually killed King Duncan on his own. This evil act of murder is disrespectful and totally unacceptable, as well as breaking the Great Chain of Being.
Macbeth’s first excuse for killing Duncan was that three witches who could see into the future told him of his fate. “All hail, Macbeth, who will be King later on!” (1.3.291) as one of the .witches put it. However, Duncan had already been crowned before Macbeth was told this. Macbeth took matters into his own hands, killing Duncan in order to receive the crown sooner than fate had it. If the witches were right, Macbeth would have been king even if he hadn’t killed Duncan, making it unnecessary to kill Duncan. Macbeth’s unruly decision to kill is an insight as to whether or not he’s solely guilty.
There are times where we as human beings make choices we later on regret and feel remorseful about. No matter the number of times we make incorrect choices we eventually feel regretfulness; this is a natural human reaction. This essay’s center of attention is regret. The quote I will be referring to is: “I had most need of blessing, and “Amen” Stuck in my throat”. (2.2.34-35)
However, in contrast to my argument, several other researchers have concluded that perhaps Macbeth was not insane, but rather he was strictly murdering out of the confidence of his future. For example, in Arthur Kirsch’s article, “Macbeth’s Suicide,” Kirsch believes a combination of influencing outside factors, over ambition, and lust for bloodshed overall resulted in the innocent murders and the downfall of Macbeth. He summarizes that Macbeth's dominating “ambition provokes desires in him that he is increasingly incapable of satisfying”(Kirsch 269) which describes how Macbeth believed he was doing himself a favor by committing the devious murders, but was actually condemning himself to more evil. Likewise to the statement made above, Shakespeare adds that Macbeth begged the “Stars, hide your fires!/Let not light see my black and deep
Judgment of a Murder so Foul Macbeth with heart appealing to only wicked beasts, today you appear before me your judge, jury, and executioner. I have foresight into your distraught filled future so meek you shall be begging me to bring you sweet eternal death to end it. For you Macbeth have committed acts so horrendous it makes even demons part their gaze. One such as you, whose life he lived only to pleasure himself and his desires will spend an eternal life in the pit you buried yourself in.
Stalking stealthy, lurking in the dark, as fast as a hawk, danger awaits the finest opportunity to pounce on its victim. To whoever killed my father, my family is like a snake, by killing my father, they only scorched the snake. It will heal and they would once more be threatened by the fangs and hence they would do anything in their power to kill me. Yet despite being far from Scotland heading for Northumberland, I am still very vulnerable. Like Donalbain said; Wherever we are,
Ladies and gentleman of the jury. Sitting before you today is a man accused of the murder of Duncan, the King of Scotland. The prosecution will portray Macbeth as an ambitious man, one who plotted to murder his own cousin, so that he could lay claim to the title of the crown. But the issue in this case is not whether Macbeth murdered the deceased. This fact is not disputed. What you must determine is whether Macbeth was of sound mind when he committed this act. Evidence showed that this was not so. In fact, Macbeth was the victim in this crime. It was he, who was possessed and brainwashed by the evil witches. Then it was Lady Macbeth who took advantage of his state of mind. She pushed him over the edge to fulfil her ambitions of being
Macbeth Essay In this Essay I will be writing about the play Macbeth written by Shakespeare. In the play there is a lot of dying and tragedies. I'm writing about who is responsible for all the killing and my opinion is that Macbeth was the most responsible because he could have overlooked all of them and made his own decisions. He could have prevented any killing.
The crime of killing Duncan seems especially barbaric as Macbeth killed him in his sleep. After killing Duncan, Macbeth becomes somewhat remorseful and also afraid.
After Macbeth physically committed the murder with his own hands he felt immediate guilt and his mind was all over the place. He even took the murder weapon with him instead of planting the evidence on the chamberlains. When Lady Macbeth learned this information she was outraged. The record states that she shouted, Coward! Give me the daggers. Dead and sleeping/ people can’t hurt you any more than pictures can./ Only children are afraid of scary pictures. If Duncan/ bleeds I’ll paint the servants’ faces with his blood. We/ must make it seem like they’re guilty (2.2.50-55). Ladies and gentlemen of the court, the evidence clearly indicates Lady Macbeth made Macbeth murder King Duncan and set him down a path of crime and destruction. She is as much to blame as Macbeth. Not only was she an accomplice to the murder of Duncan but she tampered with the evidence; it is clear that she should be convicted of at least a
But he wasn't the only one feeling guilty. Once everyone hears that King Duncan is murdered, Macbeth kills the chamberlains with rage. Lady Macbeth start to sleepwalk because she overcomes with the actions she has caused in killing the King. She washes her hands over and over because the blood won't come off her hands but it's really just her mind thinking that. She later commits suicide because of the crime she did. Macbeth didn't seem very bothered on her suicide. He says ‘She sound have died
Macbeth’s first murder that the reader hears of is the murder of King Duncan. This is the murder that started it all. On page 49 Macbeth says to his wife, “I have done the deed. Didst thou not hear a noise” (2.2.15). Macbeth has just committed the murder and still has blood on his hands.
Everybody has watched the news, shootings, and murderers everyday. Have you ever wondered what goes through their minds before and after the killing? In the play, The Tragedy of Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and Macduff all are either guilty of either killing someone or forcing somebody to kill another. This leads to a downfall in the play and an outcome of 10 people killed. Shakespeare's purpose in writing this play is to make the audience full of suspense, without knowing what will happen next. The audience does not understand why Macbeth is killing all these people and why he is going crazy. The research that studies have shown, shows what goes through people's minds like Macbeth, and what makes them act the way they do.