
Why Was Mona Lisa So Renowned?

Decent Essays

“Why is the Mona Lisa so renowned?” This was the question that I had failed to respond to with an indisputable, articulate answer. Although a plethora of reasons exist such as the enigma of her smile and its multiple thefts, I could only muster a “because,” which is the universal expression used when incapable of producing a coherent argument. However, its even more embarrassing to admit that this conversation occurred in the Musee de Louvre, while I was loitering nearly 20 feet from the painting If it wasn’t obvious by now, I should probably state frankly that I was dispassionate towards the small portraiture, and stood with the other tourists taking selfies with it - shamefully, I might add. Reflecting on it now, though, it’s apparent that my disconnect was largely precipitated by the work’s lack of grandeur because I was much more impressed by the large …show more content…

Did I yearn to feel enlightened? Did I wish to experience some divine revelation? Maybe it was unfair of me to hold the piece to such high standards, but, then again, the whole world awarded it such high esteem. Now, having seen the painting, I continued with the assignment by searching the work on google images, and this time I was not at a loss for words. I saw the meticulous, painstaking detail. I analyzed the dynamics of the piece with skills learned from A History of Art and Music. I identified the characteristics of the Renaissance. I witnessed the subjects illustrious ability to follow any and all onlookers. I saw what made the painting great. In this instance, I think I found a prime example of how humans tend to idolize things or, rather, are conditioned to idolize things before we can discern our own appreciation for them. Now, I’m not saying that it’s not justified because it is; the Mona Lisa is a special painting, enshrouded in mystery. However, standing amongst the crowd of spectators jostling one another for a better view, I only saw the meager face of a

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