
Why Was The Body Not Seen By The Dallas Coroner?

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Nevertheless, quite suspicious is how Kennedy 's body was placed in a casket and taken from Parkland Hospital and driven to Air Force One, where it was loaded aboard the airplane through the rear door, where it remained at the rear of the passenger compartment, in place of a removed row of seats. The body was removed before the Dallas County coroner Earl Rose, which violated Texas state law (the murder was a state crime and occurred under Texas legal jurisdiction), could conduct a forensic examination. At that time, it was not a federal offense to kill the President of the United States, although it was a federal crime to conspire to injure a federal officer while he was acting in the line of duty. ("Assassination of John F. Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia," 2014) Why was the body not seen by the Dallas Coroner? I found this to be Puzzling. Later federal agencies such as the Assassination Records Review Board criticized the autopsy on several grounds including destruction from burning of the original draft of the autopsy report and notes taken by Commander James Humes at the time of the autopsy, and failure to maintain a proper chain of custody of all of the autopsy materials. ("John F. Kennedy autopsy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia," 2014) As earlier stated, there is new data and confirmation supporting the single bullet theory, but also, a conspiracy could be likely, given the conclusion of the HSCA’s investigation. The first theory I will be

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