
Why We Should Never Colonize Mars

Decent Essays

Never Go To Mars!

Mars is a terrible place to live. Even the thought of living there is atrocious. Think to yourself, would you really like to live on a dusty rock in space? Why would you want to live on a planet that humans are just going to trash and ruin again? Humans should never colonize Mars. If they did, the radiation would be a massive problem and there would have to be consumable food and water. The food would have to be able to be sustained there and the water would need to be in liquid form available for drinking. First of all, radiation would be a huge problem on Mars. NASA says,”A long voyage to Mars, with no big planet nearby to block or deflect that radiation, is going to be a new adventure.” and,”We know how much radiation is out there, waiting for us between Earth and Mars, but we're not sure how the human body is going to react to it.” Radiation would cause humans that go to Mars to possibly evoke skin cancer, brain damage, memory loss, or even death. Radiation would also be a problem for the odyssey there. NASA says, “The spaceship's skin would absorb about half the radiation hitting it.” That would be a problem for the people going there because the ship they took would be filled with …show more content…

Other than dehydration, the negative effects of having no water are, losing blood circulation, metabolism, regulation of body temperature, and inability to remove waste. Those are some of the more deadly effects. Mars used to be covered by an ocean. However, all the water is frozen underground likely containing toxic chemicals now. Humans would have to drink recycled water or have water imported from Earth, which would be expensive and time consuming. LH Hansen says, ”The low pressure and low temperatures do not allow water to be stable in the liquid phase. Therefore, water on Mars is usually only stable as ice on the surface and as vapor in the

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