Picture yourself having to sit next to someone for a whole class period without knowing that they actually have a gun inside their bag and can pull it out at any time they wish to do so. Guns have always been known as a weapon of violence: basically, all they’re really used for is to cause harm. Of course, it can make someone feel as if they’re safe from any type of harm but to anybody else it could cause fear. Campuses should make feel students feel safe, as if it was their own home, not fear. Allowing a weapon on college campuses can only cause great harm to others, emotionally and physically.
Students should never be scared to express their opinions; they shouldn’t feel scared of what would happen if they did. Many academics will contend that, at least ideally, classroom debate should be lively, even heated at times. Emotions may run high.
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Professors should feel safe an accommodated in their campuses, they shouldn’t feel afraid of entering their class because his or her students have loaded guns in their backpacks. Can you imagine the psychological damage that many students will be inflicted with when they witness their best friend kill their professor or colleagues just because he or she doesn’t like them? Can you imagine as a parent what it would feel like if your son or daughter is sentenced to jail or is killed because of killing innocent people? Some do agree that guns are necessary so that a person can defend themselves from attackers or thieves, but do you really think they’re necessary in a place where you’re there to learn. Others, such as David Skorton and Glenn Altschuler, believe that “[opposing] legislation will prevent colleges from setting their own gun policies- and will make students, staff, and faculty less safe” (628). These are the questions that should be asked and thought about when thinking of the idea of guns in college
“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” declares National Rifle Association 's President Wayne LaPierre. But, does this statement really hold true on college campuses? Considerations of allowing a student or others to conceal and carry a firearm on college campuses causes a tremendous amount of controversy in the U.S.. The heated debate surrounding campus carry began after the 2007 shooting at Virginia Tech reported Dennis A. Henigan, former Vice-President of the Brady Campaign and Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence.
Due to the recent upheaval of violent crimes on campus, many pro-gun activist have suggested that both the students and teachers should be allowed to carry concealed weapons on campus. Those for this may claim that their rights have been violated because many college campuses refuse to allow weapons of any kind on campus. It is not the right to carry a gun which is in debate here, but rather it is whether or not guns should be allowed on a college campus. The Constitution of The United States of America already grants citizens the right to carry guns, and being in the south, I am by far no stranger to seeing a gun from time-to-time, but it is not appropriate for guns to be in a vulnerable area such as a college campus. There are already too many guns available to the public, and allowing them on an educational facility would greatly increase the likelihood of injury or death. Americans, as previously mentioned, have the right to bear arms, and this should be held sacred, and not infringed, taken away, or limited. However, stricter firearm control should be implemented for those who chose to carry a concealed weapon, and gun control should be done by having stricter certification processes before a firearm or gun permit is issued, intensive psychological evaluation for the person or persons applying for a gun permit or a gun,and greater educational requirements for gun owners and firearm safety.
The idea of Concealed Carry arms at universities is a controversial topic for both students and faculty on whether guns should be allowed or banned on campuses throughout the United States. The idea of Concealed Carry Arms is a controversial topic because it represents both protection and fear as no one knows who has a weapon, whether they have it legally or even if they know how to use it properly and safely. Also, nobody knows of someone else’s intentions with Concealed Carry Arms as they could use that gun for protection or murder. The idea of allowing Concealed Carry Arms on campus is a controversial topic that could affect universities and campuses in the United States.
I feel that guns should not be allowed on college campuses because it puts at risk the lives of many professors, and students. For example, if a professor gives a failing grade to a student, what if the student becomes aggravated and decides to bring a gun from home and shoots the professor in class. There would be many deaths of professors that are being fair and giving the grade earned by the student. In fact, what if the aggravated student decides to shoot his or her colleagues too? Colleges and universities would suffer countless massacres for a law that should not have been allowed in the first place. We live in a society that is so deeply engraved in violence with all the shootings that we’ve had this past years. College campuses
Our future lies with today 's firearms and tomorrow 's safety. Due to the recent disturbance of crimes on campuses, many people who favor firearms have suggested that both the teachers and students should be allowed to carry a concealed weapon on college campuses. Those who are for this could claim that their rights to bear arms have been infringed because many campuses refuse to allow weapons. It is not the right to bear arms which is in debate here, but whether or not firearms should be allowed at a college. The Constitution already grants citizens the right to bear arms and I am by far no stranger to seeing a gun from time to time, but it is not suitable for a firearm to be seen in a susceptible area such as a college campus. There are already too many firearms available to the public and allowing them on an educational facility would greatly increase the possibility of injury or death. Citizens, as previously mentioned, have the right to bear arms and this should be held sacred, not infringed, taken away or limited. However, a more stringent firearm limitation should be implemented for those who chose to carry a concealed firearm. Firearm limitation should be done through a more stringent certification processes before a firearm permit is issued. Intensive psychological evaluations should be done for the person or persons applying for a gun permit or gun and greater educational requirements for gun owners and firearm safety.
Public places like college campuses are often victim to acts of both domestic and foreign terrorism. It is a common perception that in order to prevent shootings from happening you have to make college campuses a gun-free environment. This only makes the students who go to college feel even more unsafe. Students who are the victims of stalking are often in a state of fear as they are unable to defend themselves if a situation turns dire. The question of whether or not if guns should be on campus is not simply about the safety of students, but it also is an argument about the rights of students to bear arms that are protected by the Second Amendment. Colleges that try to invoke a gun-free atmosphere are infringing on both the safety of the student
On January 23rd of this year, Florida State passed a bill allowing students with permits to carry concealed guns on college campuses. I am writing this from the library of a college campus in Florida two months after that bill was passed. Instead of concentrating on my work, I find my eyes wandering to my classmates. I am wondering which one of them is carrying a gun in the library. Is it the man in the corner reading a calculus book? How about the woman across from me typing away on the library computer? How safe am I on my college campus, a place where I should be free to learn and not worry for my safety? The argument for guns on campuses is that adult gun owners with permits should be allowed to carry on campus to defend against a shooter.
Knowing that someone sitting next to you on campus may have a gun is a terrifying thought for many people. Not only would they feel uncomfortable but they may not be able to study or do homework. “Allowing guns on campus would inject deadly weapons into an atmosphere already swirling with academic pressure, romantic rivalries, youthful impetuousness, alcohol and drugs” one of the reasons why having a gun on campus may be terrifying is because all of the pressure, us
Many people suggested that having guns on campus could possibly have an effect on the amount of arguments that result in gun violence, and it does have an effect, but not one some may expect. Majority of case studies have proven that those who opened fire in an argument did not have a concealed handgun license. Having never learned the proper rules of having a gun for the entire purpose of protection, those people are endangering innocents and the only people with the power to stop them are licensed concealed handgun owners. Due to the fact that majority of the problems were caused by those who did not have a concealed handgun license; those cases are likely to happen with or without the open carry laws on campus. But, the knowledge that college students are armed on campus and have the ability to protect themselves, has the potential to cause gunmen to be deterred from shooting in the first
Policies that allow guns on college campuses are dangerous; they create room for several issues to arise such as fear in the learning environment, abuse of gun regulations, crimes like theft, and they do not increase campus safety. One example of such a policy is Senate Bill No. 11 (S.B. 11), a Texas law that allows licensed individuals to carry concealed firearms on college campuses in Texas. With few exceptions, the policy prevents colleges from prohibiting concealed firearms on their campuses. The troubles associated with these laws have been long debated and, in order to show why guns should not be allowed on campuses, the greater context of this issue must be explored.
There is a possibility that some teachers might feel “uncomfortable” with their students being armed. Some college students suffer from depression, anxiety and even a few are diagnosed with anger issues. If students that are diagnosed with these mental conditions are allowed to carry their weapons around on campus this may increase suicide rates, and school shootings. Say we have an extremely “patriotic” student in the class that gets frustrated at the professor for giving an opinion on a subject, that the student is sensitive about and the student threatens the teacher for being unjust, in the student’s opinion? This same event has happened numerous times and who is to say it cannot happen in Florida? On the 10th of May 2011, two students and one professor were killed at San Jose State University. We live in a world with mentally unstable people. Now think what will happen when we give those people the permission to carry their guns to school and act out in whatever manner they deem fit.
Crime seems to be at an all-time high in current times. I feel that this is due to so many people carrying guns. The safety of all people should be the focus of our society now. One area we really need to not allow firearms on campuses. This is only one area to focus on. There are several reason why allowing guns on colleges campuses and universities could be dangerous to people.
Colleges and Universities occupy a special place in society. They are progressive developing and learning environments. The debate on gun control is a critical issue in the present society. Envision a student being allowed to carry a firearm on campus. Think about what would happen if that student was having a bad day or had a major disagreement with someone. The possibility that something disastrous could happen is quite real. By banning guns on campuses, tragedies can be prevented. Guns should not be allowed on campuses because they will increase the likelihood of violence, and spawn a mood of fear on campuses.
After shootings on college campuses occur for example the Virginia Tech massacre, the Kentucky State shootings, and the Northern Illinois University shooting, many people started to question the safety of the students. Many college students came up with the bright idea that bringing concealed guns to school will help them protect themselves from possible shootings and some are lobbying for it to become legal in colleges that don’t allow it. However, allowing students to carry guns on school campuses will not make it safer. In fact, it will do the opposite. If concealed guns were permitted on college campuses it would create an unhealthy, paranoid environment that students don’t feel safe in. There are
Students are not allowed to bring guns on college campuses building because they could put others in danger. College campuses should not let anyone carry concealed weapons inside of the building. It is illegal to carry guns on campuses for students and faculty members to have on them, if they have license permits. Neither the students nor the faculty should use guns because they bring violence on campuses and could kill someone.