
Why We Should Not Year Round School

Decent Essays

Year round schooling Is more beneficial than non year round schooling. Some think there should not be year round schooling, but others think there should be year round schooling.Research shows that there Is no change for learning In year round schooling, but however some research has shown they learn way more. There should be year round schooling. Reason number 1: You will learn way more than just 9 months of school. Reason number 2: It will increase more respect for teachers quickly. Reason number 3: Students will be able to advance more quickly.

The first reason Is that you will learn way more than just having a 9 month calendar of schooling. For an example you will be so use to the stuff you learned It’s built In your head. Also studies have found that disadvantage of students lose about 27% more of their learning because of the long summer breaks, spring breaks, and winter. Plus having days days off. Students will be more advanced to the next school year why? Well first of all you don’t forget what you learned. It’s gonna have you prepared for college because of the grades that showed. In addition students may not like year round schooling, but at least you’re getting better at things you haven’t understood before. (Lynch) …show more content…

For an example the more time you see the students and teachers everyday you won’t think of them as a babysitter because the more and more you see them work It’s just like okay there Is no point to be rude. Also year round schooling offers to change the precipitation in the teachers. They won’t be so hard on the students. The most Important example of this reason Is teachers are taking the year and their time to have these students be smart! (Filed Under: General Interest, Tagged With: Education, school,

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