
Why We Shouldn T Abortion Be Legal Essay

Decent Essays

America has always been a really liberal place to live. This means that people can feel free to have there own opinions and voice though thoughts and opinions. Though what can come out of this are many arguments among people. One of the biggest things people are arguing about today is whether abortions should be legal or not. Over the years abortions have been affecting our society. Many people believe that abortion kills a baby before it even has a chance to live. It is a practice that should not only be medically wrong, but morally wrong as well. Bringing new life into the world is a truly amazing thing that a women can do. Though some people feel that for whatever the reasons that it is ok for them to abort their baby. This is not the way to go about not wanting to raise a child. Have an abortion is something that we should not …show more content…

Many people believe that the baby is considered human from the time of conception. Others believe the baby is considered human when he gets its heartbeat, which is around as early as three weeks after conception. There are many acts that protect any unborn baby that is not an abortion. “These laws make it clear that most people find the killing of a fetus to be repugnant and its life worthy of protection… If it is unacceptable for a stranger to kill a baby why is it acceptable for a mother and her doctors to do so? (“10 Reasons Abortion should be Illegal” 1).
Abortion is a cruel and unnatural to do to an unborn baby. Around eight weeks old though a babies nerves and cortex is not fully formed yet, the baby can still shrink away from an unwanted or painful stimulation. A young doctor named Nathanson who performed abortions change his ways after performing an abortion and saw an unborn baby overdraft to screens and shy away from the medical tools when it was only 12 weeks of age(“10 Reasons Abortion should be Illegal”

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