
Why Women 's Rights Are Not Equal

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Why Women’s rights are not equal Women have been struggling for equality and equal rights for years. Females in history have been pushed around for countless ages due to the fact that women have been the lower class.Women have made great progress in the world through protests and great struggle.Women are looked down upon in many different cultures. Through the ages women have become smarter and more developed thinking processes. With this being said women should have equal rights due to the fact women are no different from the average male; everybody should be equal and have a fair chance at succeeding. Should women be in the military. Women shouldn 't be in the military.The role of women in the military has always been a controversial issue as for most people the battlefield still remains the domain of men. Women are generally considered not to be as physically strong or emotionally aggressive as men to cope with the brutalities of war. However, technological progress has changed the nature of warfare and opened up more army jobs for women. Moreover, the aim of democratic societies to ensure equal opportunities for men and women has intensified the debate about women 's access to all combat positions. Women in law enforcement. Women shouldnt be in law enforcement.In the United States, women have worked in law enforcement since the nineteenth century. However, until the women 's liberal movement in the 1970s, they mostly had clerical roles or held jobs as dispatchers.

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