
Why You Should Go To College

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Why you should go to College:
Attending college following High school is the best decision in order to live a blithe and fulfilling life.
An important necessity in life is money. By starting college directly after high school, you have the advantage of being able to make more money. In The 10 Most Common Excuses for NOT Going to College and why They're All Wrong the unknown author states, "...a college graduate will earn several thousand dollars more during his or her working life than someone who only has a diploma."(Page20) This proves that by getting more education you are able to obtain opportunities that pay more than someone who only has a high school diploma. Going further with diplomas, having only a diploma from high school has some serious downsides to it. In Why Go to College? By the University of North Texas, they state, "...those whose education stops with a high school diploma may see their wages decline."(Page 14) This shows that while you are able to make a good amount of money with just the diploma, that money will unfortunately start decreasing over time. In the end, going to college will help you financially.
In college, you have the opportunity to experience new and exciting moments and/or activities. In your classes, they will be filled with over fifty or more people, depending on where you go, and they might end up being your next friend. In the article 10 Rules for Going to College When Nobody Really Expected You To, Joe Rodriguez, the author, says

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