
Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers

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Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers

August 6, 2009


Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers by Robert M. Sapolsky, gives a description of the inner workings of the human, and animal, stress response. He talks about what physiologically happens to people when they remain in a state of stress of a long period of time. The immune response, depression, aging and death, and sexual reproduction are just some of the topics Sapolsky discusses and how stress affects each of these.

Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers

I chose Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers (1994) because I was intrigued by the similarities between humans and animals in regards to their responses to acute and chronic stress. As a medical professional, I feel that I have a strong …show more content…

Without insulin there to make this happen, excess glucose remains in the blood if it’s not used by the muscles. Continued stress responses over time can eventually cause the uptake of glucose into the cells to be hindered, thereby creating a diabetic condition. Sapolsky goes on to explain how stress in our lives can also lead to loss of libido and reproduction. During periods of stress, males can see a decrease in circulating testosterone due to a release of specific hormones in the brain which basically shut down the activity of the testes, which are responsible for testosterone release. On the female side, the author tells us that studies have shown how stress suppresses estrogen production, which in turn disrupts sexual behavior in women. (Sapolsky, 1994. p. 124) Another interesting part of this book, talks about the decreased immune response during times of stress. Hans Selye, one of the godfathers of stress physiology, discovered the first evidence of stress-induced immunosuppression back in the 1930s. Selye learned that the same glucocorticoids that are responsible for sympathetic response, was also a large contributor in immune system suppression. Glucocorticoids stop the formation of lymphocytes as well as inhibit the release of interleukins and interferons which make already circulating lymphocytes less responsive to infections. Sapolsky hypothesized why evolution would create this process from happening. He wanted to know why

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