
Wild By Cheryl Strayed

Decent Essays

Being in the wild for days and weeks at a time gives many people an experience they'll never forget, and for Cheryl Strayed she got just that. Strayed wrote about her experience in her own memoir titled “Wild”. This novel shows just how amazing doing something out of the ordinary can be, and just how life changing it can be. This book proves that escaping the troubles and stress of everyday life can be rewarding, but many people never get the chance to escape. They believe that work is too important, they believe that they need to stick to the same routine everyday, and this is what causes them their stress. People who stick to the same old routine everyday never find a chance to “find themselves” and that may causes problems for them in …show more content…

From her mother passing away, to a recent divorce, things haven’t been going her way. Strayed decides to hike the PCT as the most impulsive decision of her life with no experience whatsoever. I feel that her hike across what PCT is what allowed her to “find herself” and what allowed her to heal from the recent troubles she had been going through. At first. she was scared and hurt, but along the way she became a new woman with new philosophies that would help her start her new life in Portland. Being alone on the trail for many miles allowed her to think, she was away from other human beings for days at a time and she was away from the stress of her life and this allowed her to change and grow. The landscapes around her allowed her to reminisce about old times, especially about her mom. There are many times when she's on the trail that she thinks about the memories with her mom, her mom’s horse named Lady, her stepfather Eddie, and her three siblings. For instance, she said, “It didn’t occur to me that my mother would die”(20). In the beginning she was not happy or at peace with her mother passing away but towards the end of the book she learns how to cope with it. She was able to do this because of the time she spent on the trail. At another point on the trail Strayed is reminded of her mother’s horse lady. “It reminded me of being a …show more content…

Society today is crazier than it has ever been before, from political problems, insanely high standards, and rates of higher stress than ever before. I think everyone should take a break once in awhile. I think it is without a doubt necessary to escape this distractions at least once, no one can handle all of this without having some type of problem with their mental health. And some will even argue that they do not have the free time to retreat to nature because they feel that other things are too important but I think that is false. Everyone can at least take a couple minutes out of their day to take a break. Without a break once in awhile it is too easy to get caught up in the next task to do, and with this problem friends and family will be put on the back burner. It is important to someone’s mental health to take a break once in a while to get back on track and “find

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