
Wilfred Owen's Poetry Expresses Strong and Impressive Feelings

Decent Essays

Wilfred Owen’s poetry often expresses a strong and impressive feeling of the persona. The poems ‘Storm’ and ‘Maundy Thursday’, both convey a man’s powerful, physical attractiveness to the persona. Owen uses his skillful writing to achieve such a strong impression of this in these two poems. In each poem, Owen uses the form and structure of the poem, diction of the poem, as well as poetic devices and figurative language to portray the feelings and thoughts of the persona. The form and structure of both poems is a hybrid sonnet form, which develops and presents the key ideas of the poem. In ‘Storm’, the octet shows the attractiveness of the man to the persona and the persona’s desire to attract the attention of that man. Then, in the sestet the persona realizes the risk, yet still wants to try to attract the man he admires so much. He is even prepared for this to take over his whole life – ‘and happier were it if my sap consume.’ This shows that the persona does not care of what other people think of his behavior and he may appears completely ridiculous in other people’s eyes. ‘What matter if all men cry aloud and start,/ And women hide bleak faces in their shawl,/ At those hilarious thunders of my fall?’ Wilfred Owen reveals the attractiveness of the man to the persona in a completely different way in the second poem ‘Maundy Thursday’; He uses the behavior of other people to compare and contrast the action of the persona when the silver cross offers to be kissed. Then the

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