
William Defoe 's Robinson Crusoe

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Unlike the novel of love and tragedy with the History of the Nun, William Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe is the story of adventure when exploration of the New World was all the rage and exploring new exotic lands. But as the novel progresses and Crusoe is shipwrecked something else appears to be at work in the longwinded description of Defoe 's most celebrated work of fiction, which is also one of the first English novels. Carefully reveling one detail upon another, Defoe sounds as if he 's personally transports the reader into the place with the first hand facts Robinson has. Early critics, and some recent ones, have suspected Defoe of pushing the limit in creating the novel 's solid sense of realism. “Robinson Crusoe ' is Defoe 's most famous hoax," modern-day novelist Nicholson Baker states. "We now describe it as a novel, of course, but it wasn 't born that way." It is believed that some early critics gave this no thought because he was writing novels when the form was so new, an argument can be made that Defoe 's casting of fiction as fact was simply a daring experiment within an emerging genre (Heitman). "Crusoe" endures because Defoe crafted a story that isn 't nonfiction, yet feels as if it could be. His skill at capturing the texture of daily experience set a gold standard for future generations of novelists (Heitman).
The basic plot of Robinson Crusoe, shipwrecked on a remote island for almost three decades, Crusoe builds a fortress, fights off cannibals, befriends a

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