William 'Jack' Harrison Dempsey was born in Manassa, Colorado. He was one of eleven kids in the Dempsey family. The Dempsey family was very poor. He was a mix of Irish, Cherokee, and Jewish; he was the son of Celia Dempsey and Hyrum Dempsey. Dempsey was baptized in the LDS church on his 8th birthday. With frequent moves with the family they never really “grew up” in a single location; the family moved to where work was needed. Jack dropped out of elementary school and started to work to provide for his family. He left his family at the age of sixteen and traveled wherever, usually by sneaking on a train. He often fought for a small amount of money and then his legacy began. Devastation could describe the early stages into the twenties with most people in manufacturing weapons of serious damage. Even the factory workers weren't safe when they thought they were. Some of the munition factories would …show more content…
During this time multiple inventions were created such like the radio, new dance moves, and even the drive-in restaurant. Entertainment started to be created in so many different places. The legends sport was created, boxing. This sport still not as popular as baseball (even to this day) was beginning to gain its popularity fast. The names of Joe Lynch and Paul Fritsch began to spread fast, and soon to be Jack Dempsey. Jack Dempsey the amazing Professional heavyweight boxer from the poor family in Colorado, to the road of success. His earlier career, he fought against Jess Willard, 6 feet 6 inches while Jack was only 6’1. Jack out fought Willard with his ruthless tactics and quick feet. Dempsey took the title of World Champ from Willard and then defended his title for six years fighting 5 matches. After this many people spoke of him cheating in the Willard fight with “loaded gloves”. Whilst that rumor was about others began to spread about him being a draft dodger, avoiding the draft during
“The 1920s has been called the Golden Age of American Sports”(Sumner par 1). The roaring twenties had many sports icons and many sports upcomings. Some highlights of the Golden Age are from baseball, football, basketball, boxing, golf, and horse racing. All these sports were relevant and popular during the 20s. Sports has had an impact on society since the 1920s and still has an impact on society today through exciting sports and exciting players.
James Brown Miller, also known as “Killin’ Jim”, “Killer Miller” and “Deacon Jim”, was the son of Jack and Cynthia Miller. He was born on October, 25, 1866 in Van Buren, Arkansas, and was married to the cousin of another famous old west outlaw, John Wesley Hardin. And at the age of one, he moved with his parents to Franklin, Texas. However, just a few years after the move, both of Miller’s parents died, and he was sent to Evant to live with his grandparents. At the age of eight, Miller was again orphaned after both of his grandparents were found murdered in their home. Miller was arrested for the crime, even though he was only eight years old; in the end, he wasn’t charged.
A young F. Carl Mahoney was off to Witchita Falls County in Texas. He enlisted in the Vietnam War. To then become a medical corpsman in the US Air Force. After 3 months of basic training in northwestnorthwest Texas (a barren desert, ) this man receivedreceived orders to report for medic duty in England. In Suffolk, England there was no combat, only lots of suffering and families in need.
When Bobby Adedge was 18 years old, he had already won two Olympic gold medals. By the time he was twenty-two, he had been a well-known goalie on a prestigious professional hockey team. He had married an even more famous supermodel, who had her own budding career as an actress. He was thought to be smart, having invented the first dissolvable hockey puck, which was great for planet Earth and recycling, but not-so-good when hockey games went into overtime, the puck often melting onto the ice before the game was over. His inventor-phase was short-lived.
Abel, son of Benjamin Gardner and Rachel Smith Gardner, was born in Hingham, Plymouth, Massachusetts, on February 12, 1763. He grew to 5 feet 7 inches tall and had light brown hair and blue eyes. In his son George Bryant’s history, he states: “My father never belonged to any religious sect, although he was a good moral man.” His life long trade was being a blacksmith.
The childhood of Richard Milhous Nixon was a simple one but nevertheless a harsh one. Francis Anthony Nixon, father of Nixon had an the lemon ranch on Yorba Linda, California and later opened a combination grocery store and gas station with Hannah Milhous Nixon. Hannah Milhous Nixon was a quaker, who was revealed to be very influential on Nixon's livelihood. Nixon was born on the ranch on January 9, 1913, and was the second of five brothers in total. Edward Nixon born on 1930, Arthur Nixon born in 1918 and died on 1925, Donald Nixon born on 1914 died on 1987, and Harold Nixon born in 1909 and died on 1933. Soon after the deaths of his brothers Arthur with a short illness and Harold with tuberculosis, adding on the financial hardship left
Davy crockett was a very well and equipped kid growing up.Mostly everything he did,he mastered.Davy crockett is a good example of someone who fought in the texas revolution,because he was the last man standing at the alamo.
December 16, 2009, Chris Henry, a wide receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals, had an argument with Loleini Tonga his finacee at the time. She was in a pickup as they were arguing. She decided to drive away, as she was pulling out of the driveway Chris jumped in the bed of the truck. As she was driving down the road Chris fell from the bed of the truck. To this day the circumstances of Chris’s death, if he jumped from the truck or if it was just a tragic accident brought on by a brain disease, nobody knows. Chris Henry’s tragic story, just one example of a former athlete’s life ending due to tragic circumstances. A twelve year veteran of the Minnesota Vikings, Fred McNeill, went on to finish law school after his retirement from the NFL. He was
The 20s was a time of changing and reinventing. At this time some sports were just starting out, others were broadening their horizons, while others were simply becoming more popular. New heroes were emerging in sports, new teams, and even new leagues. In the 1920's, there were many famous movies and movie actors. This was a time when films really began to become a popular past time, to watch and to star in. Also a new music style came about in the roaring twenties called jazz.
“Tell him he can have my title, but I want it back in the morning.” Jack Dempsey was a professional American boxer who competed from 1914 to 1927. Through hard work he reached the status of heavy weight champion and impacted the future of boxing.
world war one. There were new inventions: a bombing company, soaring stock market, up beat
The 1920’s was an era of role models and great heroes. This period was known as “The Golden Age” of sports. This was a time where Americans wanted to put the memory of the World War I in the past and appreciate life. It began with the Black Sox scandal of 1919 continuing with historic record breaking athletes. The introduction of radio made is easier for fans to follow their favorite teams. The economy of the United States was strong for most of the time. New and bigger stadiums were built and for the first time Americans began to pay money to watch such high level of competition. This is a decade to be remembered.
Davy Crockett is known as one of the greatest outdoorsman in history, and will be for a very long time. Born in Knoxville, Tennessee David Stern Crockett was born on August 17, 1786. He was the fifth child out of the nine children his parents John and Rebecca Crockett.
The roaring twenties had a major changed in the culture of the U.S. The radio was just invented and silent movies were very popular at the time. Jazz also became very popular in the 1920s. There was also the Harlem Renaissance, also known as "New Negro Movement." It was centered in Harlem but influenced many people, especially black writers who lived in Paris. Many changes had occurred after slavery was abolished. Many people were moving to the cities because of industrialization.
Some of the interesting events that occurred during this decade were things such as the wright brothers first flight at Kitty Hawk North Carolina; The first rapid transit system, the New Your City subway system, opens.( Johnson, Deb ); The infamous San Francisco earthquake and fire occurs.( Collins, Alan ); The invention of the automobile. These along with many other events would once more help America shape its identity.