
William Shakespeare 's Sonnet 30

Best Essays

Shakespeare 's writing about love is exceptionally deep and intensely layered with

numerous implications and utilization of rhyme and metaphors. The power of feeling, the

profundity of thought, and serious creative energy are all to be found in his sonnets.

Shakespeare 's Sonnets clarify the value of human relationships by showing that friendship can

end one’s own sadness, that love should be commemorated, and that marriage between true

minds is loyal and consistent.

“But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, / All losses are restored and sorrows end.” In

Sonnet 30, a past friendship between two mates ends one’s own sadness and selfish sorrows. The

speaker’s thoughts and feelings shift greatly throughout Sonnet 30. As the speaker sits alone

peacefully and recalls the past, they get discouraged about everything they had once worked so

hard for. This causes the speaker to sob about this important time squandered. “When to the

sessions of sweet silent thought / I summon up remembrance of things past, / I sigh the lack of

many a thing I sought, / And with old woes new wail my dear time’s waste” (1-4) One continues

to sob about damages long over and groan about the loss of numerous things never to be seen

again. The speaker torments themselves to relive every hardship that already had been cried

about previously. Remembering the deaths of valuable companions is a fragile topic for most.

While the speaker sulks in sadness, they recall a dear

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