
William Wolfe Taking Back Islam

Decent Essays This website discusses the internal struggle of Western Muslim men over their Western girlfriends. The article mentions that many Western Muslim men are non-religious meaning they smoke, drink have sex, and have tattoos. According to the website, the one thing many non-religious Muslim men take seriously is marrying a “good” Muslim girl because it is shameful in their culture to marry a western girlfriend. One their mothers will not approve of their western girlfriend, which really matters to Muslim men because they hold their mothers in high regard. In addition, the article mentions that Muslim men do not want to lose respect and honor of their family and the Islamic community by having a western girlfriend because of the traits western women portray. The article mentions that Muslim men often fall in love with their western girlfriends, but also take pride in their culture, so they suffer from an identity crisis. Just like Adnan, this article this looks at the cultural …show more content…

It describes Islam as a peaceful religion and tries to clear up any misinterpretations people have about the Koran. Also on page 31, it addresses some views westerns have about Islam like, which the Muslims faith promotes suicide bombing as a first class ticket to paradise. In addition, the book mentions in page 55 that many Americans believe that Islam and democracy cannot coexist with each other. The book also mentions the trust issues Americans have with Muslims in page 73-74 mentioning the Muslims held in Guantanamo Bay without a hearing and Muslims being singled out in airports by TSA officers because of suspension they could be terrorists. The book mentions on page 89 that Americans believe that the hijab is a form of male oppression on

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