
Winning Edge Inc

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1 The Winning Edge Inc Evaluating Capital Projects with Unequal Lives The Winning Edge, Inc. Group Members: M. Qasim Mushtaq Nouman Akram Mustafa Masood MB111081 MB111010 MB111013 Submitted to: Mr. Nasir Rasool Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 2 The Winning Edge Inc Table of Contents Acknowledgment ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Case Overview............................................................................................................................................... 4 Response to Questions …show more content…

10 Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 3 The Winning Edge Inc Acknowledgment  “Read: In the name of the Lord who create man from a clot. Read: And the Lord is the most Bounteous, Who taught by the pen, Teach man that which he knew not” - (Al-Alaq : verses 1-5).  Prayer about increase in knowledge: My Lord! Increase me in knowledge” (Ta-ha : verse 114).  We would like to thank Allah Almighty for giving us the strength to complete the project in the best possible way and for all His blessing, for helping us in hours of need and for giving us the courage and motivation.  We would also like to thank for respected teacher Mr. Nasir Rasool who supported us and who gave us the courage of facing the practical. Mohammad Ali Jinnah University 4 The Winning Edge Inc Case Overview The contract option requires zero capital expenditure and does not alleviate the time constraints on executives. The jet purchase project requires significant capital expenditure and completely alleviates the executive time constraint. The timeshare option requires a modest capital outflow and it also satisfies the flexibility and expedience needed by the company’s executives. While these three options could be compared as independent projects, this would imply that the result of rejecting all three projects would be to eliminate executive air travel. Instead, this analysis assumes that some form of executive air travel is required and uses

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