
Withdrawal from Alcohol Addiction

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Convulsions, hallucinations, anxiety, insomnia, sweating, vomiting, and even seizures—these withdrawal symptoms are endured regularly by people with extreme alcohol addiction. Alcoholism presents life-ravaging problems: negligence, anger issues, propensity for hazardous behavior, and longer recovery from alcohol use’s aftereffects (#1). Alcoholics exhibit diminished immunities and are at elevated risk for cancer, epilepsy, cardiovascular disease, HIV/AIDS, and more. Alcoholism is both devastating and alarmingly common, affecting 4-5% of the United States’ population (#2). Worldwide, it produces 2.5 million deaths annually and is the third largest cause for disability and premature death (#3). Long ago thought to be strictly behavioral, alcoholism is in fact a complex trait (#2). Like other complex traits, it develops due to mutations in “susceptibility genes” that interact intricately with environmental influences (#4). Alcoholism is derived roughly 50-60% from genes (#2). Genes impact a person’s alcohol tolerance and craving levels; the higher these two factors, the likelier he or she is to develop addiction (#5). Geneticists have uncovered alcoholism-inducing genes via linkage analysis, in which genomes from alcoholic and nonalcoholic members of families with histories of alcoholism were scanned at 400 areas. This technique helped researchers to locate quantitative trait loci, 10- to 20-million-base-pair–long nucleotide strands suspected to include the genes triggering

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