
Women In Colonial Latin American Culture

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Colonial Latin America is an interesting period of history to study. Many changes have occurred regarding aspects of both Colonial Latin American society and culture. Laws, rights, and industrialization has occurred since the beginning of Colonial Latin America era, shaping its society and culture into something new. Although some aspects of Colonial Latin America remain today, both the society and culture has vastly changed. The primary demographic that this research paper will focus on is the women within Colonial Latin America society, focusing on the lives they lived within that periods culture. The theme that this research paper will primarily focus on regarding the lives of women within Colonial Latin America society is domestic violence. Although domestic violence still occurs to this day, it was viewed differently within Colonial Latin American society. How Colonial Latin American society viewed domestic violence reflected upon the values within that culture. What makes studying domestic violence within Colonial Latin American society interesting is the fact that it reveals a lot about the values within its culture. Domestic violence reveals a wide range of information regarding the …show more content…

A man is said to have honor and is obliged to defend his honor and that of his family, while a woman must conserve her purity or sexual virtue. She too protects the honor of the family, for by guarding her purity she additionally assures the purity of the family bloodline. A woman is said to have shame. Shame is a concern for repute, the sentiment that makes a person sensitive to the pressure exerted by public opinion, and thus to have shame is to be honorable and applies equally to men and women; but shame can also denote qualities of modesty or decorum that belongs exclusively to women. A shameless woman acts without regard for her honor or that of her family; she is without

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