
Women Prefer A Choice Of A Homebirth Option

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Many women prefer a choice of a homebirth option for quite a few reasons. One options said is, “a desire to give birth in a familiar, relaxing environment surrounded by people of your choice” (Mayo Clinic Staff). In a hospital, a room that a laboring mothering is in may not be as spacious as a room in her own home. There is a limit in the amount of people that may be present in the delivery room. If a mom-to-be wants quite a few of her family members and friends to share this amazing experience with her, she has this option to do so when choosing a homebirth. A woman does not have to limit the amount of people she would like to see the birth of her child as she would have to do when having a hospital birth. Another reason of choosing a …show more content…

For many people, a shower or bath creates a sense of peacefulness, cleanliness, and a relaxed state. Another reasoning as to why women choose to have a homebirth is, “a desire to give birth without medical intervention, such as pain medication” (Mayo Clinic Staff). Although a woman has the option of receiving medication when having a hospital birth, pain medication is seemed to be encouraged and often offered. A woman may be set in her decision of not wanting any medication and does not want the temptation or offer of any type of medical intervention. A final reasoning of choosing a homebirth is, “a desire to control your labor position or other aspects of the birthing process” (The Mayo Clinic). It has been taught by professors at California Baptist University that lying down on your back while in labor is the unnatural way of giving birth. Women giving birth at home have the option of standing up, giving birth in a bathtub or small and portable birthing pool, and deciding what position or specific area to give birth in is most comfortable and suitable for them Self-Care Movement As time has passed on, many women are beginning to become curious about the care of their own body and their unborn baby. Many women are strong and independent who want the option to take control of their own birthing experience. “The self-care movement began to emerge in the late 1960s as consumers sought to

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