
Women 's Impact On Women Essay

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The 1800’s redefined who, what, and how women would continue to be represented in the United States. Prior to this era women’s roles in America were very limited; women had to abide by laws such as coverture. Men were the dominating force in social events, political events and in the economy. Nonetheless, women continued to fight these injustices and set multiple milestones during the 1800’s and the 1900’s. Several significant people and movements would attribute to these noteworthy milestones that women would overcome. For the duration of this time women were not staying silent about the inequalities regarding women and African Americans in America. Women like Clarina Irene Howard Nichols took an early stance on the injustice women faced during this time, focusing on the Temperance Movement and later moving in the direction of Women’s Suffrage as well as focusing on the injustice African Americans faced. In addition to Clarina Irene Howard Nichols, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott would continue to take a more radical stance and hold the first women’s convention in Seneca Falls, New York. These women are predominating figures in the impending movement for women. Women’s Suffrage and Temperance is often a bridge for the women’s movement of the time. In addition to focusing on women’s movements, these women were also movers and shakers in the anti-slavery issues. These types of crusades empowered women to fight for the injustice they experienced in addition to fight

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