
Women 's Social Issues And Concerns

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Women living in poverty during the early adulthood stage face a lot of obstacles when trying to establish a career identity. Women during the ages of 24-34 years old are influenced by work and interpersonal relationships. Poverty is the root of almost all America’s social issues and concerns. It is prominent to the factors of education, social development, and the economic well beings as adults. Poverty contributes to the inequalities of race, language, culture and place in the United States. Studies shows that over 43 million people in the United States have lived with incomes below the poverty level. It represents 14.3 percent of the U.S. population and it known as the highest rate since 1994. More than 16 million of those women were …show more content…

The first task of exploring intimate relationships is the time where both men and women combine emotional closeness, shared interests, shared vison of the future and sexual intimacy. Of course these relationships differs for various couples. Some have no commitment to marriage, others find a same-sex partner and there are those who believe in the monogamy marriage relationships. Cohabitation is the second developmental task that is broken down into six categories of marginal, prelude to marriage, stage in the marriage process, alternative to being single, alternative to marriage and indistinguishable from marriage. Cohabitation is the stage that allows young adults twenty four to thirty four find themselves. While exploring relationships they are acknowledging if it is possible for them to live with someone else leading to marriage or the choice of remaining single. Knowing if you can live with someone brings the thought of starting a family. Starting a family includes compromising both religious beliefs, career aspirations, ideals about family life, social expectations and culture. The fourth developmental task is occupation. This specific task will correlate specifically to women living in poverty trying to establish a career identity. Young adults are stuck in two categories in the career stage known as exploration and establishment.

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