
Women’S Health Issues Require Separate And Unique Attention

Decent Essays

Women’s health issues require separate and unique attention from the medical world. Women represent the transition that society is also facing in regard to economics, health and wellness issues. ‘Healthy mind does, indeed produce a healthy body’. While, women are suffering from various health issues from past. Although, men and women share many health concerns. Women health issues include conditions that only effect women anatomy such as from child birth, pregnancy, menstruation till menopause. These issues can cause problems to the next generation as well. This paper will explore the various health issues to the women by looking specifically at the unique concerns to the women such as women’s mental health, breast cancer and gestational …show more content…

Some of these are because of the depression and anxiety that women have to go through with the start of their puberty stage (Russo, 2008). Women experience symptoms of psychological discomfort at the time of hormonal change in their body such as prenatal depression. The pregnancy changes the hormones that affect the chemical level in the women’s brain which directly related to depression and anxiety (Russo, 2008). The symptoms can be persistent sadness, difficulty concentration, sleeping too less or too much, change in eating habits and many others. These can be dangerous for both mother and baby (Russo, 2008). The another one is Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) which is considered to be the severe form of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS). Both of these occur most commonly in the days proceeding the second half of women’s menstrual cycle (Russo, 2008). The symptoms of these disorders could be bloating headaches, joint pains, fatigue, panic attacks, irritability, trouble sleeping and many others (Russo, 2008). According to the American college of Obstetricians and gynaecologist estimates that at least 85 percent of menstruating women have at least one PMS symptom as a part of their monthly cycle (Russo, 2008). According to WHO “depressive disorders account for close to 41.9 percent of the disability from neuropsychiatric disorders among compared to 29.3 percent of among men”

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