
Cdc : Offices On Women 's Health

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CDC: Offices on Women’s Health (OWH) Vision Statement: Safe and healthy women and girls in every stage of life. ( Mission: Advance the health and safety of women and girls with a focus on disease prevention and wellness. ( The Office of Women’s Health (OWH) works within and outside the agency to raise awareness of women 's health and to promote programs, research, policies, and strategies that will improve the health and safety of women and girls. Although OWH was created in 1994, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010) required several of the operating divisions within the Department of Health and Human Services to establish an Office of Women’s Health at the highest level of each operating division. OWH is now positioned at CDC in the Office of the Associate Director for Program within the Office of the CDC Director. ( OWH Advises the CDC leadership of research, policy, and program needs and opportunities establishes short- and long-range goals and objectives supports and advances evidence-based research and programs for public health action creates, publishes, and disseminates materials and products that highlight CDC priorities and programs establishes and fosters partnerships and collaborations, and consults with health professionals and others, as appropriate represents the agency and serves as the focal point for women’s health Monitors progress toward meeting goals and objectives. National Women and Girls

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