CDC: Offices on Women’s Health (OWH) Vision Statement: Safe and healthy women and girls in every stage of life. ( Mission: Advance the health and safety of women and girls with a focus on disease prevention and wellness. ( The Office of Women’s Health (OWH) works within and outside the agency to raise awareness of women 's health and to promote programs, research, policies, and strategies that will improve the health and safety of women and girls. Although OWH was created in 1994, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010) required several of the operating divisions within the Department of Health and Human Services to establish an Office of Women’s Health at the highest level of each operating division. OWH is now positioned at CDC in the Office of the Associate Director for Program within the Office of the CDC Director. ( OWH Advises the CDC leadership of research, policy, and program needs and opportunities establishes short- and long-range goals and objectives supports and advances evidence-based research and programs for public health action creates, publishes, and disseminates materials and products that highlight CDC priorities and programs establishes and fosters partnerships and collaborations, and consults with health professionals and others, as appropriate represents the agency and serves as the focal point for women’s health Monitors progress toward meeting goals and objectives. National Women and Girls
The mission of the Department of Health and Human Services is to help provide the structure that Americans need to live prosperous and healthy lives. This service gives families, children, and seniors a way to receive quality health care. This achieved by helping parents find affordable childcare and legitimate jobs. This organization is dedicated to keeping American’s food safe, preventing infectious diseases, and by pushing the boundaries of how to treat and diagnose disease (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services , 2013).
On Friday, October 27th, this author visited the Women’s Resource Center located in Saraland, Alabama. The Saraland location is located at 1088 Industrial Parkway, Suite 3, and is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Appointments can be made at the Saraland Women’s Resource Center location by calling 251-675-0911. Two other Women’s Resource Centers are located in Mobile on Downtowner Loop and Sage Avenue. There is also a mobile unit that travels to different locations in the Mobile area daily.
Despite the fact that APHA is the voice of public health countrywide, the Association cannot function well without the assistance of its affiliates. For the past one century, the Association’s 54 regional and state public health affiliates have been championing similar goals as APHA to protect, promote, and advocate for the health of the public. The Association’s affiliates are established autonomously with their own infrastructure, processes, policies, and procedures. On an annual basis, the Association’s affiliates carry out their activities through program development, annual meetings, professional development, and continuing education (American Public Health Association ,
I have chosen The Woman's Hospital of Texas for my LTT1 task. It was founded in 1976 in Houston, TX. The Woman’s Hospital of Texas is affiliated by the Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), which offers health services for women and newborns. The Woman’s Hospital of Texas has been one of the state’s foremost care providers for women and newborns for more than 30 years with over 650 board-certified physicians. The hospital also received a High-Performing ranking in gynecology in the U.S. News & World Report's (2008) annual survey with an overall ranking of #40 in Texas, recognized in Gulf Coast and ranked #13 in Houston metro area.
“Without a lifespan view of women’s health… we are unlikely to be successful in advancing women’s health” (Woods 2009, pg. 400). A Global Health Imperative (2009) by author Nancy Fugate Woods explains the issues about health status and opportunities for the health of girl-children world-wide, which includes sex and gender disparities. Girl and women’s health is important, but just not as important as men’s health. Woods gives example of women’s health issues that are extremely serious. “Health issues or problems that occur predominantly in women are breast cancer and menopause” (Woods 2009, pg. 400). Women all over the world have the risk of getting breast cancer, HIV and Aids. Women that are affected by these diseases in some countries may
Representing and promoting health service delivery, health information, research, public health and health financing and health programs.
In its 2002 report, Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care, IOM recognized that CHWs "offer promise as a community-based resource to increase racial and ethnic minorities' access to health care and to serve as a liaison between healthcare providers and the communities they serve." The report also asserts that CHWs are effective as, "a strategy for improving care delivery, implementing secondary prevention strategies, and enhancing risk reduction" and recommends integrating trained CHWs into multidisciplinary health care teams. In its 2010 report, A Population-Based Policy and Systems Change Approach to Prevent and Control Hypertension, the IOM recommends the CDC Division for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention
Jennifer Smith works for El Paso Public Health, located at south central region Colorado Springs. El Paso Public Health provides several services for the community, individual and family. El Paso Public Health provides services such as educating communities from infectious diseases, food safety, medical resources and tobacco prevention. Secondly, El Paso Public Health provides different programs and services for women and family such as WIC (Women, Infant and Children), Child Health Care Programs, Clinical Services and Immunizations for family. Other programs and services also includes birth and death records, system inspection or other specific records, public health concerns and child care services. (ElPasoCountyHealth)
October 11th, 2015 marked the annual Women’s Health Forum put by Integris, a health system in Oklahoma (, 2015). The goal of the Women’s Health Forum by Integris is to promote women’s health and awareness of harmful health issues, examples of other events involved with this health program can be found in an ebrochure on the Integris website (, 2015). Andie MacDowell, a versatile actor, was brought in by Integris to be the keynote speaker on the eleventh to help promote the forum. Although MacDowell admittedly holds no degrees regarding health issues, bringing in the well-known actress was a great way to advertise the forum and generate interest in the other events.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has the mission of enhancing the health and well being of all Americans. HHS is the U.S. government’s principal agency for protecting the health of Americans and is responsible for providing essential human services for all and especially for those who are least able to help themselves. The Department manages programs that cover all spectrums of activities that impact health care, patient safety, and public health. HHS, though its programs and partnerships, provide health cover to more than 100 million people through Medicare and Medicaid, promote patient safety and health care quality in health care settings, protects vulnerable individuals and communities from poor health treatment, and leverages health information technology to improve the quality of care for all (HHS, 2015). Though it’s programming and other activities, HHS works closely with state, local, and federal agencies to strengthen health care, advance scientific knowledge, advance health care and safety, and ensure transparency, accountability and effectiveness of all HHS programs. HHS’s overall mission is to help American’s live healthy lives by providing millions of children, families, and seniors with access to high quality health care, affordable child care, and by pushing the boundaries of how we diagnose and treat disease.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is the U.S. government’s principal agency for protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services, especially for those who are least able to help themselves. HHS is responsible for almost a quarter of all federal outlays and administers more grant dollars than all other federal agencies combined. The mission of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is to enhance the health and well-being of Americans by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services. In addition, HHS is also responsible to provide better services to people by adapting to new technologies to keep pace with the advancement in technology. As we compare the health and human services from last ten years to present, it is very clear to analyze how health and human systems have improved over the years. The Department manages programs that cover a vast spectrum of activities that impact health, public health, and human services outcomes throughout the life span.
Advertisement for “Men’s Health The Big Book of Uncommon Knowledge” found in Men’s Health, November 2015.
The Department of Health and Human Services and their partners continue to strive to meet the needs of all people regardless what the socioeconomic statuses are. DHHS focus is to encourage all people to become healthy. As many believe, that being healthy starts at home, schools, community and your workplace. Studies suggest that being healthy consist of one taking good care of themselves and their health needs, eating healthy, and not smoking or drinking. With the available resources that all will be able to have access to social and economic opportunities that consist of resources. Healthiness also consist of the cleanliness of your surroundings, water, air and nature. Through various partnerships of DHHS, the continuous of
Therefore, adequate funding for community health assessments will alleviate the health disparities while finding the underlying causes that contributes to communication barriers directly from the DHOH people (Laureate Education, 2012d). In reducing CVD that will intervene to reduce the cost of CVD expenses a public health consulting business name Diversity Health Education Outreach (DHEO), LLC founded by Jolene A. Ogunjirin is of consideration through the use of telehealth public health consulting services to achieve set long-term goals.
develop a global initiative on equity in health and health care. Her research has focused on measuring,