
Women´s Health Breast Cancer Essay

Decent Essays

Breast Cancer and Women’s Health
Breast Cancer is defined as “a group of solid tumor malignancies arising in the tissues of the breast” (Sarah Crawford, Richard Alder, 2013) in human and other mammals. It can happen to both men and women. For women, breast cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death. According to National Cancer Institute, in the United States, the 2014 estimated new cases and deaths of female from breast cancer are 232,670 and 40,000, respectively. For male, it’s 430 deaths out of 2,360 new cases. From these numbers, we can see that women in the U.S. are greatly affected by breast cancer, thus, it’s not difficult to imagine the impact on a worldwide level. Although these numbers look frightening, people can …show more content…

For example, if a women’s mother or sister has breast cancer, she may be at higher risk of getting the disease. Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 are leading factors of breast cancers in women; it will actually promote the development of cancer cells. There are other genetic reasons that may increase the risk of breast cancer. For example, according to a research done by some Chinese scholars, “genetic variants in the vicinity of pre-miR-101-2 were associated with breast cancer risk in the Chinese population.” However, most breast cancer patients do not have family history of this disease. For them, all of the following factors may differently impact the risk of exposure to breast cancer: weight, menstruation age, menopause age, first childbirth age and etc. According to our textbook, early menstruation, later menopause, overweight and having child after age of 30 will increase the risk of getting breast cancer. Other risk factors like medical conditions may also impact the risk of breast cancer.
Symptoms and Stages
It’s important to learn the symptoms of breast cancer so that we can treat it earlier. Typically, people may found a lump that feels different from other breast tissues. Other noticeable breasts symptoms include shape, size, skin color, texture, itching, pain, swelling, increased sensitivity and etc.
The stages of breast cancer depend on tumor size and when it spreads to the other parts of body. In stage 0, also called the situ stage, the tumor is not large

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