
Women's Right To Abortion

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Although the function of a hospital is to treat and care for patients of necessary needs, the hospital runs on the basis of businesses, inputting medical interventions to make more available room and profit. One commentator describes the the medical interventions as like a domino effect, as the cascade of series rumble down, when the intervention was not even necessary in the first place (The Business of Being Born 12:42). Physicians may use EPM readings to bolster their assertions that women refusing cesareans are endangering their fetuses and must therefore be ordered to undergo the procedure (Fried 259). To increase the cases of cesarean birth deliveries, hospitals will attempt to speed up the process of labors by using the doses of epidural …show more content…

Although abortions can be seen in a negative light, with the argument of killing a living organism, a woman should not be forced, pressured, or burdened to keep and raise a child who she does not want or cannot support. Studies have shown that “families and society will benefit from having children that are planned, welcomed, and properly spaced” (Sanger, Alexander 6). Disregarding this option to women imposes injustice to themselves, and also the newborn baby, as every child should be a wanted child. Prohibiting and restricting abortions does not stop women from having them, as it only “forces abortion underground and makes it the privilege of the wealthy, while further disenfranchising poor women, who generally bear the brunt of such policies” (Ginsburg 253). The difference of class statuses can alter how an abortion is processed, as “for poor women, illegal abortions are typically done by unqualified practitioners- the woman herself, backroom abortionists- and the result in increased maternal deaths as well as maternal and fetal physical deformities” (Ginsburg 253). Women of higher status and authority may not enter such drastic measures for abortions, because they may have the resources to implement the abortion in a safer situation. It has been stated that, “Most Americans favor government regulations that officially discourage abortion and that make abortion difficult to access …show more content…

In this important section of a woman’s body, unfortunately women do not have the extensive freedom to make whatever decisions appropriate for their own bodies. Although society claims and advocates that women have free will regarding their bodies and decisions, there is criticism and regulations that block women from making choices without disapproval and judgment. The access and usage of birth control, cesarean section births, and abortion do not deliver reproductive justice to women, as they do not have full control of their own bodies. Due to the limiting access of birth control, women of various cultural and class backgrounds had to substitute this by using other, less effective methods. In hospital settings, doctors may not always listen and comply to the wishes of the mothers rejecting cesarean sections, as in the 1984 case, “staff at a Chicago hospital forcibly tied a pregnant Nigerian woman who had declined a c-section to her hospital bed with leather wrists and ankle restraints” (Cool). Although situations today are not this extreme and cruel, women are still continued to be coerced into having unnecessary c-sections due to medical intervention. With the unnecessary doses of epidural and pitocin, women should have the right to refuse to subordinate to one’s preferences and needs. Terminating a baby is considered as an illegal and punishable act in

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