
Wooly Mammoth Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Wooly Mammoth is the last of the mammoth species to lay foot on Earth. They lived in the Pleistocene epoch up until around 10,000 years ago when the population started to decline and finally disappear roughly 4000 years ago. The mammoth’s bones and frozen body was preserved by ice very well, in fact, there are a few carcasses that did not fully decay.
Mammoths’ are in the Elephantidae (elephant) family and are part of the mammalian class. The word mammoth implies that this nonhuman species is huge; their tusks alone can be over thirteen and a half feet long. These tusks are much longer than their elephant relatives. The tusks are used for moving snow to get to the grass, and fighting for territory or a mate. The Wooly Mammoth stands at …show more content…

After that, they spread out, grazing across the great tundras in search of food.
Many theories as to why the Wooly Mammoth went extinct are still being debated to this day. The things that we know for sure are: humans hunted them, and humans hunted them a lot, on top of that the last ice age was pretty rough. Every living organism had a hard time. Their bodies are like a walking grocery store. Their bones and tusks are used to form weapons and tools, their meat is eaten to feed a lot of people, and their fur is used to keep families warm during the harsh winters. One theory is that they were hunted to extinction by humans, another is that the last ice age killed them.
The Wooly Mammoth is a massive creature that walked our Earth up until four thousand years ago when the last mammoth died and the species was labeled extinct. They are defined as huge, shaggy looking elephants with massive tusks and a slanted back. These gentle giants were grazers, eating the grass of the open tundra. The combination of the last ice age and over hunting from humans is the most likely cause of their extinction, but scientists have not come up with a definite reason for their

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