
Work-Filled Summer Analysis

Decent Essays

The Best Thing I Did During my Mostly Work-Filled Summer At the end of my junior year of high school in May, I made so many plans for this summer. I was going to read a ton of books, go to the pool, have a ton of sleepovers with friends, and just have the best summer ever. Actually, I make these same plans every year. As I sit here now, two days before my senior year begins, I realize that none of these things were actually accomplished, and I want to hit my head on the wall over and over again. I didn’t read any books at all, which is just depressing. I never actually made it to the pool. I had a few sleepovers, but not nearly enough. That sounds like a horrible summer, right? I did nothing that I planned to. But it wasn’t actually that bad. I got a job, which took up most of my summer, I had a fun and eye opening vacation, I …show more content…

However, I would like to focus on that brief but amazing vacation that I went on with my family at the end of June. On June 25th through the 27th, my family and I went to King’s Island for our vacation. We just took a small vacation this year because next spring we are going to Florida. But this wasn’t the typical amusement park trip. Those three days at King’s Island, Spirit Song Fest was there. Since we bought tickets to Spirit Song Fest, we got free admission to the amusement park and water park. Spirit Song Fest is an annual three day long Christian music festival. We did all the amusement park stuff during the day, and then we made our way to the outdoor amphitheater around 4:00 to browse Christian artist merchandise and find our seats. The concerts were epic. Some of my favorite Contemporary Christian music artists were there, such as Newsboys, Colton Dixon, Kari Jobe, Skillet,

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