
Work Of Art Remains In The Studio Analysis

Decent Essays

As an artist, I agree with Buren on many issues about the artist creating art in the studio. He states, “if the work of art remains in the studio, however, it is the artist that risk death . . . from starvation” (Buren,203). This essay has really made me think as an artist about the studio, and how vital it is for me as an artist to the art work I create. My studio is a large drafting table with a lamp, multiple drawers, and storage compartment in the front. When I create art, I listen to music. When it comes to the personal art I create for myself, I still have about fifty pieces. People always say I should have a show and sale my work. For me, it is hard to give up my own creations, but when I produce artwork for someone else, it is easier

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